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English - English

Definition of dualistically in English English dictionary

The belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces, such as good and evil; the belief that man has two basic natures, the physical and the spiritual
The view that the world consists of, or is explicable in terms of, two fundamental principles, such as mind and matter or good and evil
State of being dual or twofold; a twofold division; any system which is founded on a double principle, or a twofold distinction A view of man as constituted of two original and independent elements, as matter and spirit
the idea that humans are made of two parts These two parts are matter, or the body, and spirit, or the mind
A theory of ontology which claims that the mind and the body exist independently of one another and have entirely different essences or natures
There are two kinds of things (my way and your way, mind and body, ying and yang)
In theology, the concept that the world is controlled by two opposing forces, i e , good and bad, God and Satan In Philosophy the idea that the world consists of two main components: thought and matter
Idea that the world is made up of the material and the spiritual, with the material forming the basis for evil
the doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body), or good and evil
Duality; the condition of being double
the theory that reality is composed of twit different substances so that neither one can be related to the other - thus: spirit/matter, mind/holy, good/evil
The idea that man and the universe are both composed principally of two differing properties, body and spirit Almost all dualists see the body and material things as inferior to what they consider "spirit " Dualism is an ancient pagan heresy that deeply infected the church Many ancient Greek philosophers were dualistic They found the body and human history distasteful, and longed for death as an escape to the world of the ideal, i e , the spirit Thus, ancient dualists found the Biblical doctrine of the resurrection laughable (Ac 17: 32) Today's "Christian" dualists usually look only for escape from this life in the form of some sort of "spiritual" monastic retreat, a "pre-tribulational rapture," or death
Time-honored philosophical position which is exemplified by: Pre-Socratics' appearance/reality distinction Plato's forms/world distinction Hume's fact/value distinction Kant's empirical phenomena/transcendental noumena distinction Heidegger's being/time distinction Russell's existence/subsistence distinction Descartes mind/matter distinction
The theory that each cerebral hemisphere acts independently of the other
Viewing the word as two: good-evil, spirit-body See Philosophical Terms
An ontological view which asserts that there are only two ultimately real kinds of thing in the universe (typically mind and body)
The philosophical view that mental events need not be associated with neural events See materialism The philosophical view that mental events need not be associated with neural events See materialism
philosophical position that assumes the mind and body are separate and distinct
{i} state of consisting of two parts, duality, doubleness; belief that mind and matter exist separately (Philosophy); belief that good and evil are embodied in two separate divine beings or principles (Theology)
Any philosophical theory holding that the universe consists of, or can only be explained by, two independent and separate constituents or substances; according to Cartesian dualism, these are mind (thinking substance) & body (extended substance) Contrast: monism Compare: pluralism
The view that the world consists of or is explicable in terms of two fundamental principles, such as mind and matter or good and evil
The doctrine that all mankind are divided by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal foreknowledge, into two classes, the elect and the reprobate
The idea that issues can always be divided into either/or states, e g mind/matter, fact/value, right/wrong A throwback to pre-complexity viewpoints and earlier bivalent logic and systemic valuation, replaced mostly in complex systems approaches by non-dualist (continuum) modes of thought that take into account the wider connectivity issues and balancing multiple objectives
The belief that there are two fundamental kinds of stuff in the universe, mind and matter (see monism) The classic problem for dualists is that of interaction: if matter and mind are really so fundamentally different, how could they possibly interact and influence each other? how could we mentally perceive the physical world, and how could our mental wills have an effect on our physical body parts(as when I lift my arm)?
The belief that there are two elemental forces in the universe, Good and Evil; apocalypticism typically holds a dualistic view of the world
Idea that the mind and brain are separate entities - probably false
A system which accepts two gods, or two original principles, one good and the other evil
Philosophical belief that reality is essentially divided into two distinct kinds of stuff Typically mind and body or the related pair, spirit and matter One concept in each pair is often deemed superior to the other See Patriarchal dualism in the Ecofeminism section
In it's theological meaning, Dualism is the theory that there are two independent and opposing forces (God and the Devil) in continual conflict, and that the outcome of that conflict is not decided until the end This theory is considered heresy by some because it denies the Omniscience and Sovereignty of God, over all things [back]
A belief in--and often the affirmation of an ultimate tension between--two separate classes of phenomena: spirit and matter Dualism is often contrasted with, on the one hand, idealism (only mind or spirit), and, on the other hand, materialism (only body or matter) Christians--and Western philosophy throughout much of its history--have preferred to speak of the "mind-body problem" (see entry), because both materialism and a Gnostic idealism are unacceptable, and because dualism generally inclines over time to idealism, continually elevating spirit over matter
Most generally, the view that reality consists of two disparate parts In philosophy of mind, the belief that the mental and physical are deeply different in kind: thus the mental is at least not identical with the physical See occasionalism, doctrine of preestablished harmony, substance dualism, property dualism, Cartesian interactionist dualism, mind-body problem, monism <Discussion> <References> Chris Eliasmith
the view that each person is two entities, a mind with mental attributes and a body with physical attributes, instead of a single entity with attributes of both sorts
Dualism is the state of having two main parts or aspects, or the belief that something has two main parts or aspects. the Gnostic dualism of good and evil struggling for supremacy. the idea that there are two opposite parts or principles in everything, for example body and soul, or the state of having two parts or principles. In philosophy, any pair of irreducible, mutually heterogeneous principles used to analyze the nature and origins of knowledge (epistemological dualism) or to explain all of reality or some broad aspect of it (metaphysical dualism); also, any theory that employs dualisms. Examples of epistemological dualisms are subject and object and sensation and sensibilia; examples of metaphysical dualisms are mind and matter, good and evil, and God and world. Dualism is distinguished from monism and pluralism