
listen to the pronunciation of dba
English - English
Doctor of Business Administration
database analyst
doing business as, usually dba
database administrator
daily benefit amount
Doing business as; used to indicate the public alias of a business legally constituted under a different name

His company has done business under a succession of dbas because he can't settle on a good name.

formal announcement that a person or company is conducting business under a different name
Adjusted (human ear response) Decibels
Data-Base Administrator
a-weighted decibels; database administrator
Database administrator's view (what is in all users' schemas)
Database Administrator (or Database Baby Sitter) Person that looks after the Oracle database Typical functions include: designing, implementing, and managing of database operations
A single-number measurement based on the decibel but weighted to approximate the response of the human ear with respect to frequencies
The person responsible for managing data, namely data set placement, database performance, and data recovery and integrity at a physical level
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
views are generally accessible only to database administrators, and return information about all objects in the database, regardless of ownership or access privileges For example, a query to DBA_TABLES will return a list of all relational tables in the database, whether or not you own them or have been granted access to them Occasionally, database administrators will grant developers access to DBA views Usually, unless you yourself are a DBA, you won't have access to the DBA views
snv The unit used to express sound level measured through the A-weighting network of a sound level meter See "A-weighted sound level (dBA) " [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
Unit of measure of sound measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighted network with slow meter response
(Doing Business As) - An identification of the owner or owners of a business and the business name Not a partnership or corporation
  Abbreviation for decibels adjusted   Weighted absolute noise power, calculated in dB referenced to 3 16 picowatts (-85 dBm), which is 0 dBa (188)  Note:   The use of F1A-line or HA1-receiver weighting must be indicated in parentheses as required   A one-milliwatt, 1000-Hz tone will read +85 dBa, but the same power as white noise, randomly distributed over a 3‑kHz band (nominally 300 to 3300 Hz), will read +82 dBa, due to the frequency weighting   Synonym dBrn adjusted
Noise is measured by a logarithmic scale (decibels (dB)) The ear hears different frequencies with varying sensitivity, so a basic noise spectrum is weighted with respect to the varying high, middle and low frequencies, to best represent what a person qualitatively hears as a sound or noise level Two weighting scales are commonly used - the so-called "A" and "B" scales When noise is weighted according to the A scale, the value is then written as "dBA" - decibels as per the A scale
The person (or the software) who administers a database Typical task are: backup, maintenance and implementation
Database Administrator (or Database Administration)
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Adding or subtracting bandwidth from a swtched connection in real time without terminating the link
Data Base Administration
DataBase Administrator - is software which administers databases It can carry out the maintenance of a database, including the applications and content structure
A-Weighted Decibels (Decibels)- Units for the measurement of sound frequencies
DBA stands for "Doing Business As," which is a company name, also commonly called a "Fictitious business name " When a sole proprietor operates a company using any name except his or her own given name, then the DBA or ficticious business name registration establishes the legal ownership to satisfy banks, local authorities, and customers So when you start the Acme Restaurant, unless you are named Acme, you need your DBA to open a bank account in that name, pay employees, and do business You can usually obtain this registration through the county government, and the cost is no more than a small registration fee plus a required newspaper ad, for a total of less than $100 in most states