currency conversion

listen to the pronunciation of currency conversion
English - English
The process of converting a value in the base currency to a target currency An example is converting the value of $123,456,789 into 203493825 308700 Deutsche Marks or 103,466,912 638698 Euro
exchange of money, currency exchange
A process that converts currency values in a database from one currency into another currency To convert one US dollar into the euro, the current exchange rate, for example, 0 923702, is multiplied to the dollar After conversion (1* 0 923702), the euro amount is 92
Adjust foreign funds to U S Dollars for premium and claim payment
The process by which the transaction currency is converted into the currency of settlement or the currency of the issuer for the purpose of facilitating transaction authorization, clearing and settlement reporting The currency of transaction is determined by the acquirer; the currency of the issuer is the preferred currency used by the issuer, and most often, the currency in which the cardholder will be billed
Instant conversion and cross-rates computing up to 29 currencies (the list of available currencies depends on the model of Language Teacher®)
currency conversion


    cur·ren·cy con·ver·sion

    Turkish pronunciation

    kırınsi kınvırjın


    /ˈkərənsē kənˈvərᴢʜən/ /ˈkɜrənsiː kənˈvɜrʒən/