
listen to the pronunciation of amr
Turkish - Turkish
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Eski fetva metinlerinde erkeği temsil etmek için kullanılan umumi isimlerden birisi. Bak: Zeyd-Amer
English - English
{i} male first name (Arabic)
Audio modem riser
Application Materials Review; review process conducted to identify employment applicants to be interviewed for regional specialist positions A personnel team, comprised of the regional director, regional specialists, a county council member, program leader and human resource representative, conducts the review
Audio Modem Riser" - An Intel specification for analog I/O (Input/Output) functions on motherboards An AMR card removes analog I/O functions from the motherboard, relegating them to a plug-in "riser card" (a k a a "daughter board") By doing this, motherboard manufacturing is not restrained by the FCC and International Telecom certification processes which can often get bogged down in red tape
Altimetry Microwave Radiometer
AMR is a form of advanced (or enhanced) metering that uses communications devices to communicate data from the meter to the utility or (in an unbundled metering services environment) the meter reading or meter data management provider AMR may be used to transmit simple energy usage data from the meter, or to transmit more complex measures of energy recorded in the meter, or to implement advanced functionality such as outage detection, remote programming of meters by an authorized party, or other functionality See also NMR (Network Meter Reading)
AMR stands for Automatic Meter Reading An AMR system is installed to remotely read a utility meter from a distance
Audio Modem Riser, like the ACR, AMR's are extremely low cost software devices that can do a host of functions Since they are software based, they use quite a bit of CPU resources
(notes from sentences 2 and 3): amr is sometimes translated as "laws " Here it is given in a verbal phrase: mA amara bi-hi man ladA al-maqSUd, "that which was commanded by him who is the desired one " The authorized translation renders it slightly differently here: "every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world " In other places, the authorized and the Elder editions translate amr as "Cause," but my Hans Wehr dictionary does not offer this definition, giving instead "order, command, instruction; decree, imperative; power, authority "
Adaptive Multi Rate is a high-data rate service and transmission principle for 3G cell phones and networks
Anti-Material Rifle A very large rifle firing specially-designed ammunition which is designed to be used against targets that would be hard to destroy with conventional small arms fire Steyr manufactures one notable anti-material rifle
A two-way communications gateway between utilities and their customers, providing everything from sophisticated metering (e g , real-time or time-of-use pricing), to advanced services (e g , security monitoring, electronic commerce), to a "full-blown" technology platform for entry into the telecommunications market
Audio/Modem Riser An Intel specification that aims to eliminate legacy support for audio and modem functions on motherboards It allows analog functions (i e both audio and modem) to be handled by a separate riser card
Full Name: Automated Meter Reading Description
(Audio Modem Riser) is Intel's specification on motherboard design Motherboard with this type of architecture allows for designs w/o analog I/O functions However, these functions can be added by the codec chip on a riser card, which plugs into the motherboard perpendicularly, resulting in better audio quality
The GSM adaptive multirate CODEC Will be used primarily in UMTS 3G phones AMR allows for different bit rates conveying speech, dependent on the available bandwidth and signal to noise ratio Contrast EFR, FR and HR
Amr Moussa
(born 1936) Egyptian politician, former foreign minister of Egypt
Amr ibn al-As
died 663, Al-Fus, Egypt Arab conqueror of Egypt. After accepting Islam ( 630), he led a force to Oman, where he converted the region's rulers. He was a leader in the Muslim force that conquered southwestern Palestine in the 630s but gained fame when, on his own initiative, he set out to conquer Egypt, succeeding (642) after a two-year campaign. A good administrator and politician, late in his career he aided the governor of Syria, Muwiyah I, against Al, Islam's fourth caliph. He was rewarded with the governorship of Egypt at the beginning of the Umayyad dynasty (661)