the bright lights

listen to the pronunciation of the bright lights
Englisch - Türkisch
(deyim) sehir hayatinin getirdigi eglence,heyecan,firsatlar
bright lights
(otomobil farlarına ait) uzunlar
bright lights
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von the bright lights im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

bright lights
If someone talks about the bright lights, they are referring to life in a big city where you can do a lot of enjoyable and exciting things and be successful. The bright lights of Hollywood beckon many
the bright lights


    the Bright lights

    Türkische aussprache

    dhi brayt layts


    /ᴛʜē ˈbrīt ˈlīts/ /ðiː ˈbraɪt ˈlaɪts/