take care!

listen to the pronunciation of take care!
Englisch - Türkisch
dikkat et!
dikkatli ol!
1. Dikkat et! 2. Kendine iyi bak!
güle güle
dikkat etmek

Ona dikkat etmek ister misin? - Do you want to take care of that?

Sabahları ve akşamları hava soğur, bu yüzden nasıl giyineceğime dikkat etmek istiyorum. - It gets cold in the mornings and evenings, so I want to take care how I dress.

kendine iyi bak

Kendine iyi bak. Hasta olma. - Take care of yourself. Don't get sick.

Lütfen kendine iyi bak. - Please take care of yourself.

Ayağını denk al!
Dikkat et!/Dikkatli ol!
gayret etmek
dikkatli olmak
özen göstermek
ihmal etmemek
Englisch - Englisch
good-bye (literally, take care of yourself)
To be cautious, careful or prudent
To mind, or be in charge of something
be in charge of or deal with; "She takes care of all the necessary arrangements"
be careful, prudent, or watchful; "Take care when you cross the street!"
take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
be careful; watch yourself, take it easy
be careful, prudent, or watchful; "Take care when you cross the street!
take care!


    take care



    ... contraception and how to take care of your own reproductive health and to help your children ...
    ... So I think this is a question that will take care of itself. ...