
listen to the pronunciation of junction
Englisch - Türkisch

Kavşaktan sonra otoyola git. - After the junction take the motorway.

Kaza bu kavşakta oldu. - The accident happened at this junction.

{i} birleşme yeri
bitişilen yer
kavşak yeri
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kesişme
bitişme yeri
kesişim noktası
kesişme noktası
(İnşaat) buluşma noktası
iki demir yolunun birleştiğijunction box elek
(Nükleer Bilimler) birleşme noktası,jonksion
{i} bağlantı noktası
elektrik tellerinin birleştiği noktada bulunan kutu
bağlantı kutusu
{i} d.y. makas
(Tıp) Bağlantı; 2.Bitişme, birleşme
{i} dörtyol ağzı
(Mukavele) yol ayrımı
(İnşaat) bağlantı
(Tıp) Birleşme (bağlantı) yeri, birleşek
yol ağzı
junction box
bağlantı demiri
junction box
dağıtım kutusu
junction box
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) buat
junction cable
(Teknik,Telekom) jonksiyon kablosu
junction point
kavşak noktası
junction transistor
jonksiyonlu transistör
junction barrier
kavşak bariyeri
junction box
bağlantı kutusu
junction cable
bağlantı kablosu
junction coupling
bağlantı kuplajı
junction coupling
jonksiyon kuplajı
junction diode
jonksiyon diyodu
junction laser
jonksiyon lazeri
junction point
bağlantı noktası
junction rectifier
jonksiyonlu doğrultucu
junction transistor
jonksiyon transistoru
junction transistor
kavşak transistoru
junction transistor
jonksiyonlu transistor
junction centre
kavşak merkezi
junction region
kavşak bölge
junction block
şarj distirbütörü
junction box
elek. buat, kutu
junction box
elektrik bağlantı kutusu
junction box
(Askeri) İRTİBAT KUTUSU: Tel ve kablo bağlantıların örten metal kutu. Bu kutu, elektrik devrelerini birleştirme ve dağıtım işini yapan bir kapalı bağlantıdır
junction box with cable
ayrılım buatı
junction diode
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) yarıiletken diyot
junction diode
bağlantı diotu
junction hose
bağlama hortumu
junction line
iltisak hattı
junction panel
bağlantı paneli
junction pipe
bağlantı borusu
junction pipe
bağlama borusu
junction point
Kesişim Noktası
emitter junction
yayıcı kavşağı
junction box
junction box
(Askeri) irtibat kutusu
thermocouple junction
ısılçift bağlantısı
alloy junction
alaşım bağlantısı
cloverleaf junction
yonca yaprağı (kavşak)
cloverleaf junction
yonca yaprağı kavşak
collector junction
kollektör bağlantısı
doped junction
katkılı jonksiyon
hybrid junction
melez jonksiyon
railway junction
demiryolu kavşağı
road junction
yol kavşağı
Intercellular junction
(Biyoloji) Hücreler arası bağlantı
clover leaf junction
yonca yaprağı (kavşak)
color junction
renk birleştirme
diffused junction
difüzyon jonksiyonu
gap junction
gap birleşme
semiconductor junction
yariiletken kavşağı, yariiletken jonksiyonu
uncontrolled junction
kontrolsüz kavşak
waveguide junction
dalga kılavuzu jonksiyonu
wye junction
Y kavşağı
box junction
duruşun yasak olduğu kavşak
collector junction
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) kolektör bağlantısı
emitter junction
yayici kavsagi
fault junction
fay kavşağı
flyover junction
köprülü kavşak
fork junction
çatal kavşak
grid junction
(Askeri) grid kesişme hattı
grid junction
(Askeri) GRİD KESİŞME HATTI: İki grid bölgesi arasında bulunan ve bazen açık renkle belirtilen sınır
gun junction box
(Askeri) TOP İRTİBAT KUTUSU: Tek bir top üzerinde bulunan ve atış esasları intikal sisteminden, elektrik cihazından göstergeler, vesaireden gelen tel ve kabloların bağlantılarını muhafaza eden kutu
(Tıp) Birleşeğe ait
multilevel junction
çok düzeyli kavşak
oblique junction
(Havacılık) eğri kavşak
road junction
(Askeri) YOL KAVŞAĞI: Birkaç yolun birleştiği nokta. Ayrıca bakınız: "crossroads"
road junction
road junction
yol ağzı
scissor junction
makas kavşak
semiconductor junction
yarı iletken birleşme
semiconductor junction
yarıiletken jonksiyonu
staggered junction
karışık kavşak
straight junction
(Havacılık) düz kavşak
summing junction
Toplam Bağlantı Yeri
super multiple junction
(Otomotiv) süper çoklu birleşim
thermocouple junction
isilcift baglantisi
trefoil junction
(İnşaat) yonca yaprağı kavşak
Englisch - Englisch
The place where a distributary departs from the main stream
The act of joining, or the state of being joined
A place where two things meet, especially where two roads meet
The boundary between two physically different materials, especially between conductors, semiconductors, or metals
the condition of being joined
{n} an union, coalition, combination
a junction is a meeting of two highways Normally, signage will show the approaching route shield and the abbreviation "JCT" on a banner above the route shield
the state of being joined together
A location designated by the Timetable where two or more railroad lines converge
Station where railroads interchange railcars at a common point or within the switching limits over their own lines, or intermediate line or lines
the place where two or more things come together
an act of joining or adjoining things the place where two or more things come together something that joins or connects the state of being joined together
An object used in reliability block diagrams to join multiple connectors together such as in parallel or redundant configurations Junctions can be set in series, parallel operating, or standby operation
An intersection or confluence of two or more adjacent network segments, or a terminus of a single network segment Network segments are those links in a roadway network or drainage network that have flow or carry traffic A 0-D or 1-D basic feature
Basically used in 8 instead of the word "equip" GFs can be Junctioned to humans; magic spells can be Junctioned to stats to increase them; and abilities can be Junctioned to humans (Magic and abilities can only be Junctioned if a GF is already Junctioned )
The point in a thermocouple where the two dissimilar metals are joined
The place or point of union, meeting, or junction; specifically, the place where two or more lines of railway meet or cross
In a semiconductor device, a region of transition between semiconducting regions of different electrical properties
The join of two conducting materials
A specialized entry in the DCE namespace containing binding information to enable communications between different implementations of the directory service
The area where N and P type materials in a semi-conductor come together
links roads and provides rules or traffic lights for control
The point where two dissimilar metal conductors join to form a thermocouple
The part of track structure that permits a train to move from one track to another, Also called a "Switch" or a "Turnout" For more information and a sketch, click HERE (Link last checked on 02/15/2003)
an act of joining or adjoining things
A junction is a place where roads or railway lines join. Follow the road to a junction and turn left. a place where one road, track etc joins another = intersection (junctio, from jungere; JOIN)
the connection between two or more conductors; the contact between two dissimilar metals or materials, as is in the thermocouple
The spot at which a branch diverges from the main line It may consist of a single turnout for single track or may consist of several turnouts and diamond crossings for double (or multiple) tracks
the line where a wall meets the ground Always leave junctions clean and neat, even when deeply undercut Poor toolwork here lacks professionalism and is a sign of an incompetence And people always look
the point where a line branches off
An association between two cells that permits activation to be propagated from one to the other though they may reside in different cell sets Junctions are typically used to propagate excitation from the atrial myocardium to the His tree, from there to the Purkinje layers, and from there to the ventricular myocardium
{i} intersection; crossing; connection; point of convergence, meeting point, place where two things meet and cross (roads, rivers, etc.); interface in a semiconductor device (Electrical)
n The point at which two roads meet
The interface plane within a semiconductor crystal, at which the number of p- and n-type carriers are exactly equal, with a surplus of p-type on one side of the junction and n-type on the other
the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
The act of joining, or the state of being joined; union; combination; coalition; as, the junction of two armies or detachments; the junction of paths
The break between the end of one programme and the beginning of the next programme It may include promos, commercials, menus etc
something that joins or connects
junction detector
a device in which the detection of radiation takes place at the depletion junction of a reverse-biased semiconductor junction
junction diode
A semiconductor rectifying device in which the barrier between the two regions of opposite conductivity (n-type and p-type) type produces the rectification. All solar cells are junction diodes
junction diodes
plural form of junction diode
junction transistor
a transistor in which the emitter and collector barriers are formed by p-n junctions between semiconductor regions of opposite conductivity type
junction region
In semiconductor physics, the depletion region, also called depletion layer or depletion zone, as well as the junction region or the space charge region is an insulating region within a conductive, doped semiconductor material where the charge carriers have diffused away or have been swept away by an electric field
junction barrier
a junction unit for connecting 2 cables without the need for plugs
junction box
Metal box inside which all standard wire splices and wiring connections must be made
junction box
Component used to connect several cables together
junction box
Box to which the cables to the electrical installation's fixed lines are connected
junction box
A box through which the main conductors of a system of electric distribution pass, and where connection is made with branch circuits
junction box
A box used for connecting height sensor cables to the imaging processor
junction box
A box containing splices in cables Has a removable cover that must be accessible (cannot be buried in ceilings and walls) Also called a J-box Back to alphabetical list
junction box
A box, usually metal, that encloses cable connections for their protection
junction box
A metal or plastic box within electrical connections are made
junction box
Utility area where incoming current is connected in a water heater
junction box
A mechanical unit, usually installed in t he ground, which provides an enclosure for connection at canal junctions
junction box
Enclosure for joining wires behind walls or ceilings
junction box
An enclosure within which electric circuits are connected
junction point of network
connection point between communications lines that usually manage the information passing through them using a particular communications protocol
Josephson junction
a weak insulating barrier between two superconductors, used as an ultrafast switch
An intersection of routes where one road terminates as it joins a (usually higher priority) road at approximately 90°. In most countries, a give way or stop road sign will be seen at a T-junction
A non-linear strand of DNA where certain cruciform binding proteins can compete for binding

Page 197 - Linear molecules containing the same sequences are not bound, and one X-junction successfully competes with another for binding whereas linear duplexes do not compete..

adherens junction
A protein complex that occurs at cell-cell junctions in epithelial tissues
cavo-atrial junction
Alternative spelling of cavoatrial junction
cavoatrial junction
The point at which the superior vena cava meets and melds into the cardiac right atrium
cross junction
In a railroad, a location where two tracks cross, without switches, as where different roads intersect
diamond junction
An at-grade junction between two crossing railroad tracks
flat junction
An at-grade junction between two crossing railroad tracks
Of, pertaining to, situated at, or operating at a junction
level junction
An at-grade junction between two crossing railroad tracks
neuromuscular junction
The synapse of the axon terminal of a motoneuron with muscle
p-n junction
An interface between a p-type and n-type semiconductor; used to create junction diodes and junction transistors
spaghetti junction
A complicated interchange with many intertwining roads
spaghetti junction
Any complicated intertwining of paths, whether physical or metaphorical
tight junction
An intercellular junction between epithelial cells whose membranes join together forming a virtual impermeable barrier to fluid
Intercellular junction
(Biyoloji) A cell junction (also called Hhomophilic binding or intercellular bridge ) is a type of structure that exists within the tissue of a multicellular organism. They consist of protein complexes and provide contact between neighbouring cells, between a cell and the extracellular matrix, or they build up the paracellular barrier of epithelia and control the paracellular transport. Cell junctions are especially abundant in epithelial tissues
cell junction
(Biyoloji) A cell junction (also called Hhomophilic binding or intercellular bridge ) is a type of structure that exists within the tissue of a multicellular organism. They consist of protein complexes and provide contact between neighbouring cells, between a cell and the extracellular matrix, or they build up the paracellular barrier of epithelia and control the paracellular transport. Cell junctions are especially abundant in epithelial tissues
Beit Lid junction
intersection near Beit Lid (town in central Israel)
Josephson junction
An insulating barrier separating two superconducting materials and producing the Josephson effect
Mesubbim junction
intersection between the old coastal road and the entrance to Givatayim (suburb of Tel Aviv, Israel)
If you arrive at a T-junction, the road that you are on joins at right angles to another road, so that you have to turn either left or right to continue. a place where two roads meet and form the shape of the letter T
Zhuhit junction
intersection near Kiryat Arba
box junction
a place marked with yellow painted lines where two roads cross each other
disease of the neuromuscular junction
a disease characterized by impairment of neuromuscular junctions
esophagogastric junction
{i} (Medicine) junction between the esophagus and the stomach epithelium
esophagogastric junction
the junction between the esophagus and the stomach epithelium
gap junction
An intercellular network of protein channels that facilitates the cell-to-cell passage of ions, hormones, and neurotransmitters
haKfar haYarok junction
main intersection south of Herzeliya and Ramat HaSharon
{s} pertaining to a junction, pertaining to an intersection, pertaining to a meeting point
plural of junction
neuromuscular junction
the junction between a nerve fiber and the muscle it supplies
p-n junction
Electric contact in transistors and related devices between two different types of material called p-type and n-type semiconductors. These materials are pure semiconductor materials, such as silicon, to which impurities have been added. Materials of p-type contain "holes" (vacancies formerly occupied by electrons) that behave like positively charged particles, whereas n-type materials contain free electrons. Electric current flows more easily across a p-n junction in one direction than in the other. If the positive pole of a battery is connected to the p-side of the junction, and the negative pole to the n-side, charge flows across the junction. If the battery is connected in the opposite direction, very little charge can flow. The p-n junction forms the basis for computer chips, solar cells, and other electronic devices
p-n junction
the junction between a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor; "a p-n junction has marked rectifying characteristics
railway junction
place where train tracks branch out into different directions, intersection of train tracks
railway junction
a junction where two or more railway lines meet or cross
road junction
branching, intersection, road crossing
spaghetti junction
a complicated highway interchange with multiple overpasses
a junction where two roads or pipes etc meet to form a T
a junction where two roads or pipes etc
meet to form a T