day long

listen to the pronunciation of day long
İngilizce - Türkçe
Gün boyu
bütün gün

Dün bütün gün boyunca yataktaydım. - I was in bed all day long yesterday.

O, bütün gün boyunca çalışmaktaydı. - He has been working all day long.

gün boyu süren
all day long
bütün gün boyunca
bütün gün boyunca
sabahtan akşama kadar
all day long
bütün gün

Bütün gün televizyon izlemekten başka bir şey yapmaz. - He does nothing but watch TV all day long.

Bütün gün boyunca çiftlikte çalıştığı için, o tamamen yorgundu. - Having worked on the farm all day long, he was completely tired out.

as honest as the day is long
(deyim) çok dürüst
bütün gün boyunca devam eden
İngilizce - İngilizce
{s} throughout an entire day, that lasts a whole day
as the day is long
Unceasingly; very; thoroughly; to a very high degree

He is direct, honest as the day is long, hard-working and a good lad to have around..

all day long
from morning to night, throughout the day
lasting through an entire day
Daylong is used to describe an event or activity that lasts for the whole of one day. a daylong meeting
lasting through an entire day during the entire day; "light pours daylong into the parlor
during the entire day; "light pours daylong into the parlor"
Throughout the day
{s} throughout an entire day, lasting a whole day
Which lasts a day, or approximately so
long school day
school day with more hours than normal
day long


    Day Long

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    dey lông


    /ˈdā ˈlôɴɢ/ /ˈdeɪ ˈlɔːŋ/


    ... all day long ...
    ... doing three shows a night, all day long going to radio ...