
listen to the pronunciation of anabaptism
İngilizce - Türkçe
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{i} anabatizm
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İngilizce - İngilizce
A term derived from the Greek word for "re-baptizer," and used to refer to the radical wing of the sixteenth-century Reformation, based on thinkers such as Menno Simons or Balthasar Hubmaier See p 61
The most radical wing of the Reformation, choosing adult baptism to seek the truth "It is the spiritual soil out of which all nonconformist sects have sprung " Professor Walter Kohler of Heidelbergy wrote, "The Anabaptists may claim a place in world history as the pioneers of the modern world view with its freedom of faith and conscience "
A term derived from the Greek word for "re-baptizer", and used to refer to the radical wing of the sixteenth-century Reformation, based on thinkers such as Menno Simons or Balthasar Hubmaier
belief in: the primacy of the Bible; baptism of believers not infants; complete separation of church and state
The doctrine of the Anabaptists
{i} beliefs of the Anabaptists (Christian sect opposed to infant baptism)