şüphe etmeyen

listen to the pronunciation of şüphe etmeyen
Türkçe - İngilizce
willing to entrust personal matters; "first she was suspicious, then she became confiding"
present participle of confide
behaving in a way that shows you want to tell someone about something that is private or secret
In confidence; as if with trust
willing to entrust personal matters; "first she was suspicious, then she became confiding
That confides; trustful; unsuspicious
şüphe et
{f} doubt

The lawyer doubted his innocence. - Avukat onun masumiyetinden şüphe etti.

In other words, you should doubt common sense. - Başka bir deyişle, sağduyudan şüphe etmelisin.

şüphe et
{f} doubting
şüphe et
şüphe etmeyen