
listen to the pronunciation of extra
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} ekstra

Vücut ekstra kaloriyi yağa dönüştürür. - The body converts extra calories into fat.

Tom yaklaşan testi gözden geçirmek için biraz ekstra zaman kullanabilirdi. - Tom could use a little extra time to review for the upcoming test.

fazlalık etmek

Ayrı bir servis ücreti tahsil edilecektir. - The service charge is extra.

Ayrıca bu biraz ekstra yapmak için bir yoldur. - It's a way to make a little extra on the side.


Tom fevkalade mutlu hissetti. - Tom felt extraordinarily happy.

çok çok
ek ücrete tabi şey

Tom'un ödünç alabileceği ekstra bir tanemiz var mı? - Do we have an extra one that Tom can borrow?

Ödünç alabileceğim fazladan bir bisikletin var mı? - Do you have an extra bicycle that I could borrow?

çok iyi
özel baskı

Onların fazladan bir yatağı var. - They have an extra bed.

Onun için fazladan bir masraf olacak mı? - Will there be an extra charge for that?


Tom başıma fazladan iş çıkarıyor. - Tom causes me a lot of extra work.

Onların fazladan bir yatağı var. - They have an extra bed.

ek olarak
gereğinden fazla
{s} olağanüstü

Tom ve Mary'nin olağanüstü mutlu bir evlilikleri var. - Tom and Mary have an extraordinarily happy marriage.

Tom olağanüstü yakışıklı idi. - Tom was extraordinarily handsome.

{s} üstün
{s} ilave edilen
{i} ekstra şey
(Tıp) Fazladan, dışında, ilaveten
önek dışarı
{s} çok çok, fevkalade: Work extra hard! Çok çok çalış!
(Diş Hekimliği) - ' dışında, -ötesinde' anlamında önek
{i} 1. ek ücrete tabi
{i} ilave (gazete)
{s} fazla: Do you have an extra pencil? Fazla kalemin var mı?
{i} zam

Şu anda biraz ekstra zamanım var. - I've got a little extra time right now.

Tom yaklaşan testi gözden geçirmek için biraz ekstra zaman kullanabilirdi. - Tom could use a little extra time to review for the upcoming test.

(Anatomi) haricinde, dışında; fazladan olarak
ekstra olarak
{i} ekstra masraf

Ekstra masraf var mı? - Is there any extra charge?


Ayrıca bu biraz ekstra yapmak için bir yoldur. - It's a way to make a little extra on the side.

extra kanun dışında kalan
{i} ek iş
ilave gazete

Yedek anahtarın var mı? - Do you have an extra key?

en iyisi
Aile dışı
extra ball
(Bilgisayar) ek top
extra bold
(Bilgisayar) çok koyu
extra bold
(Bilgisayar) çok kalın
extra dark
(Bilgisayar) çok koyu
extra expenses
(Ticaret) ek masraflar
extra judicial execution
(Kanun) yargısız infaz
extra large
(Gıda) battal boy
extra light
(Bilgisayar) çok açık
extra light
(Bilgisayar) çok ince
extra low
çok alçak
extra postage
extra premium
ek prim
extra sharp
(Bilgisayar) çok fazla keskin
extra strong
çok kuvvetli
extra thick
(Bilgisayar) çok kalın
extra time
(Spor) uzatmalar
extra virgin olive oil
(Gıda) sızma zeytinyağ
extra virgin olive oil
(Gıda) natürel sızma zeytinyağı
extra work
(Kanun) fazla çalışma
extra work
ek iş
extra costs
ilave masraflar
extra freight
ek yük
extra freight
ilave yük
extra profit
ek kazanç
extra sensory perception
altıncı his
extra und
ilave fon
extra dividend
olağanüstü temettü, ek temettü
extra judicial
extra large portion
Ekstra büyük bölümünü
extra lay
extra mural
İlave duvar
extra ordinarily
normalde ekstra
extra time
(Spor) uzatma dakikaları
extra vires
yetkiyi asma
evlilik dışı
Evlilik dışı (ilişki)
extra bed
ekstra yatak
extra budgetary fund
(Avrupa Birliği) bütçe dışı fon
extra bunk
ekstra kuşet
extra chunky worktop
ekstra kalın mutfak tezgahı
extra community trade
(Politika, Siyaset) topluluk dışı ticaret
extra content
(Bilgisayar) ek içerik
extra crowd artist
(Tiyatro) figüran
extra dividend
(Ticaret) ek temettü
extra dividend
(Ticaret) olağanüstü temettü
extra dry time
(Bilgisayar) fazladan kurutma süresi
extra duty
(Askeri) Sıra dışı hizmet
extra duty
(Askeri) SIRA HARİCİ HİZMET: Erata verilen ek görev. Bu görev; ya bölük disiplin cezası olarak veya ücret karşılığında yaptırılır
extra fee
ekstra ücret
extra fund
(Ticaret) ilave fon
extra good time
(Askeri) CEZA İNDİRİMİ, EK MUTEBER SÜRE: Bir askeri mahkemece verilmiş mahkumiyetten, ek muteber sürenin kabul edildiği görevlerde fiili çalışma karşılığı indirim. Ayrıca bakınız: "abatement"
extra heavy pipe
çok kalın boru
extra hip width
(Tekstil) dış kalça genişliği
extra labor
fazladan çalışma
extra large
çok büyük
extra lay days
(Askeri) sürestarya
extra laytime
(Ticaret) sürastarya müddeti
extra light amber
(Arılık) çok açık amber renkli bal
extra ordinary budget
(Ticaret) olağanüstü bütçe
extra ordinary gain
(Ticaret) olağan dışı gelir
extra over
fiyat farkı
extra over price
fiyat farkı
extra pay
(Ticaret) ilave maaş
extra pay
ek ödeme
extra perils
(Sigorta) ilave muhataralar
extra plate
fazladan tabak
extra premium for sea risk
(Askeri) deniz rizikosu sürprimi
extra reserve
(Ticaret) olağanüstü yedekler
extra seat
ekstra koltuk
extra settings
(Bilgisayar) ek ayarlar
extra side margin
Fazladan kenar boşluğu
extra sort key
(Bilgisayar) ek sıralama anahtarı
extra terrestrial
dünya dışı canlı
extra territorial offence
(Kanun) yurt dışında işlenen suç
extra vires
yetkiyi aşma
extra virgin olive oil
saf zeytinyağı
extra white honey
(Arılık) beyaz bal
an extra
extra bir
ab extra
(Kanun) (Latince - Hukuk) Dışarıdan, hariçten
charge extra
ücret ilave
go the extra mile
(deyim) Bir şeyi gerektiğinden daha iyi yapmak
any extra fee
ekstra ücret var mı
b5 (iso) extra
(Bilgisayar) b5 ıso ekstra
command extra
(Bilgisayar) fazladan komut
could you put an extra bed in the room
odamıza ekstra yatak koyabilir misiniz
do i have to pay extra for my baggage
(fiil)lizim için ücret ne kadar
do i have to pay extra for my baggage
valizim için ücret ne kadar
{i} ekstra masraflar
{i} ilave giderler
legal extra
(Bilgisayar) legal ekstra
letter extra
(Bilgisayar) mektup ekstra
please bring me some extra soap
lütfen daha sabun getirin
stamp for extra postage
taksa pulu
we need one double room with an extra bed
bizim ekstra yataklı ikiz odaya ihtiyacımız var
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A supernumerary or walk-on in a film or play
Beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary; additional; supernumerary
an extra edition of a newspaper, which is printed outside of the normal printing cycle

extra, extra, read all about it!.

To an extraordinary degree

That day he ran to school extra fast.

Extraordinarily good; superior; as extra work, extra pay
A run scored without the ball having hit the striker's bat - a wide, bye, leg bye or no ball; in Australia referred to as a sundry
pref. outside, external
Short for extra dividend A dividend in the form of either stock or cash in addition to the regular common dividend the company usually pays to shareholders Also referred to as a special dividend
a Diceless character, generally without any Traits, who occupies a very minor role in the Issue Usually doesnÕt even have a name
The short form of "extra dividend " A dividend in the form of stock or cash in addition to the regular or usual dividend the company has been paying
emphasis You can use extra in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing. I'd have to be extra careful What makes a magnificent garden extra special? = especially
an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis) further or added; "called for additional troops"; "need extra help"; "an extra pair of shoes"; "I have no other shoes"; "there are other possibilities"
an edition of a newspaper published at a time other than the usual scheduled ones
An edition of a newspaper issued at a time other than the regular one
Extras are additional amounts of money that are added to the price that you have to pay for something. There are no hidden extras
An alternative name for the prime partial, most often used by Whitechapel
a Diceless character, generally without any Traits, who occupies a very minor role in the Issue Usually doesn¹t even have a name
added to a regular schedule; "a special holiday flight"; "put on special buses for the big game"
{i} one who performs a secondary role in a film; special edition, supplement
to go the extra mile: see mile
an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis)
an added charge or fee, or something for which an additional charge is made
Something of an extra quality or grade
The short form of extra dividend which is an additional (to the regular) dividend paid out by a company
a minor actor in crowd scenes
The short form of "extra dividend" A dividend in the form of stock or cash in addition to the regular or usual dividend the company has been paying
unusually or exceptionally; "an extra fast car
{s} additional, supplementary
something additional of the same kind; "he always carried extras in case of an emergency"
Beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary; additional; supernumerary; also, extraordinarily good; superior; as, extra work; extra pay
Extras are things which are not necessary in a situation, activity, or object, but which make it more comfortable, useful, or enjoyable. Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant
Background talent, used only in non-principal roles
something additional of the same kind; "he always carried extras in case of an emergency" an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis) further or added; "called for additional troops"; "need extra help"; "an extra pair of shoes"; "I have no other shoes"; "there are other possibilities" added to a regular schedule; "a special holiday flight"; "put on special buses for the big game" unusually or exceptionally; "an extra fast car
A special edition of the newspaper, printed between regular editions, containing news too important to hold for the next regular edition
A run, as from a bye, credited to the general score but not made from a hit
unusually or exceptionally; "an extra fast car"
more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy"
The extras in a film are the people who play unimportant parts, for example as members of a crowd
A train not shown or authorized on published schedules; operates on train orders
further or added; "called for additional troops"; "need extra help"; "an extra pair of shoes"; "I have no other shoes"; "there are other possibilities"
Something in addition to what is due, expected, or customary; something in addition to the regular charge or compensation, or for which an additional charge is made; as, at European hotels lights are extras
not necessary to solve the problem -- " other word problems give extra information " (117)
Something in addition to what is due, expected, or customary; esp
A Latin preposition, denoting beyond, outside of; often used in composition as a prefix signifying outside of, beyond, besides, or in addition to what is denoted by the word to which it is prefixed
You use extra to describe an amount, person, or thing that is added to others of the same kind, or that can be added to others of the same kind. Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods There's an extra blanket in the bottom drawer of the cupboard. = additional
Short for "extra dividend " A dividend in the form of either stock or cash in addition to the regular common dividend the company usually pays to shareholders Also referred to as a special dividend
A run scored without the ball having hit the strikers bat - a wide, bye, leg bye or no ball; in Australia referred to as a sundry
Out of
If something is extra, you have to pay more money for it in addition to what you are already paying for something. The price of your meal is extra. Extra is also a pronoun. Many of the additional features now cost extra Extra is also an adverb. You may be charged 10% extra for this service
extra base hit
A double, triple, or home run
extra base hits
plural form of extra base hit
extra cover
A fielding position on the off side, about 45° forward of square, between cover and mid off
extra dictionem
(Of a logical fallacy) Not deriving from the linguistic expression used; for a reason other than of ambiguity, division, et cetera.The Oxford English Dictionary (2007)
extra ends
Overtime in a tied game
extra inning
An additional inning of play required to break a tie

We'll have to play another extra inning in this game.

extra innings
Additional innings needed to break a tie

And we go to extra innings.

extra life
An additional life acquired during the process of the game
extra lives
plural form of extra life
extra pair of hands
The assistance of another person

Do you need an extra pair of hands to help you pass out slices of cake and to clean up after the party is over?.

extra point
after a touchdown, an attempt to kick the ball through the goal posts to gain another point
extra time
an additional period played at the end some games of football if the score is tied after the two halves of play
outside, beyond

extra-marital: Outside of marriage.

Pertaining to information or content outside the Bible
Between the amnion and endometrium
Alternative spelling of extra innings
Of or pertaining to the use of a drug in a way or for a purpose not specified on the label, or specifically the information provided by the manufacturer
Describing religious acts or ceremonies that are not within the scope of the traditional liturgy
One who goes the extra mile, or does more than is expected of them
Over and above that covered by statute
Of a fine grade of virgin olive oil
An olive oil of this grade
extra active-service
emergency military service
extra capacity
more space than is needed
extra charge
additional charge
extra costs
additional costs
extra dividend
a dividend paid in addition to the regular dividend
extra duty
additional task
extra edition
additional copy (of a book, newspaper, etc.)
extra expenses
additional expenses
extra innings
extra innings
overtime play until one team is ahead at the end of an inning; e
extra judicial
outside of the law
extra large
a garment size for a very large person
extra large
extremely big clothing size
extra large portion
extremely large portion
extra payment
additional payment
extra penal
outside of the scope of criminal law
extra price
special price
extra regular service
service added to the services which are regularly offered
extra risk transaction
especially risky business transaction
extra salary
extra month's salary, additional month's salary which is added onto one's regular salary
extra time
overtime (in sports games), additional time
extra time
If a game of football, hockey, or basketball goes into extra time, the game continues for a set period after it would usually have ended because both teams have the same score. Cambridge won 2-0 after extra time. a period of usually 30 minutes added to the end of a football game in some competitions if neither team has won after normal time American Equivalent: overtimein extra time
extra uterine
{s} outside of the uterus
extra uterine pregnancy
{i} pregnancy where the fetus is outside of the uterus
extra virgin
extra virgin olive oil comes from olives that are pressed for the first time, and is considered to be the best quality olive oil
extra- is used to form adjectives indicating that something is outside something or is not part of it. The move was extra-constitutional They competed for power through a combination of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary methods The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops. Outside; beyond: extraterritorial
extra-curriculum education
supplementary studies, studies not included in the regular educational program
An extra-marital affair is a sexual relationship between a married person and another person who is not their husband or wife. Her husband has admitted having an extra-marital affair
Extra-mural courses are courses at a college or university which are taken mainly by part-time students
extra-sensory perception
knowledge or perception which is not obtained through the five senses, clairvoyance, telepathy, ESP
extra-sensory perception
Extra-sensory perception means knowing without using your ordinary senses such as sight and hearing. Some people believe this is possible. The abbreviation ESP is also used. ESP
alien, friend from another planet
extra-uterine pregnancy
implantation of a fertilized egg outside of the uterus (usually is not viable)
ab extra
from outside

Sometimes I wonder if this country is being controlled ab extra.

go the extra mile
To make an extra effort; to do a particularly good job

It's a small shop, but they really go the extra mile to help their customers.

ab extra
(Kanun) Ab extra is a legal Latin term, approximately translating to "from without" or "from outside."
go the extra mile
(deyim) Work longer or harder than expected, give 110%
as an extra
for good measure, in addition to
plural of extra
(B) extra values
Chattels included in the sale
Additional work requested of a contractor, not included in the original plan, which will be billed separately and will not alter the original contract amount
These are models that are hired to work in the background on a movie or video production
{i} something in addition to the regular charge or compensation for which an additional charge is made
go the extra mile
take extra precaution, make an enormous effort, go out of one's way, bend over backwards (to see that something gets done)
pronoun extra 2
an amount of something, especially money, in addition to the usual, basic, or necessary amount = more pay/charge/cost etc extra
التركية - الإنجليزية
to spare
extra bir
an extra
kasa tazminatı extra amount paid one responsible
for handling cash