züppe [brit.]

listen to the pronunciation of züppe [brit.]
Türkçe - İngilizce
{i} macaroni
A sort of droll or fool; a fop; – applied especially to English fops of about 1775
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a man who dressed and often spoke in an ostentatiously affected and effeminate manner
A generic term for pasta
{n} a fop, fribble, sinical fellow, paste
{i} pasta made from a paste of wheat flour that has been formed into tubular shapes
A finical person; a fop; applied especially to English fops of about 1775
A sort of droll or fool; a fop; - applied especially to English fops of about 1775
A sort of droll or fool
Macaroni is a kind of pasta made in the shape of short hollow tubes. a type of pasta in the shape of small tubes macaroni cheese /macaroni and cheese (=macaroni cooked with a cheese sauce) (maccheroni, from maccarone, probably from makaria )
pasta in the form of slender tubes a British dandy in the 18th century who affected Continental mannerisms; "Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni
basically a fop: usually a member of a London club dressed in extreme fashion - bobtailed coat and high wig topped by a tricorn (referenced to in song Yankee Doodle)
a tube-shaped noodle
The designation of a body of Maryland soldiers in the Revolutionary War, distinguished by a rich uniform
A medley; something droll or extravagant
{i} 18th century young British foppish dandy who adopted the manners and customs of countries he visited; affected young man
Long slender tubes made of a paste chiefly of wheat flour, and used as an article of food; Italian or Genoese paste
a British dandy in the 18th century who affected Continental mannerisms; "Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni"
- Thin, tubular pasta in various widths They may be long like spaghetti or cut into shorter lengths
A general name for the pastes which are made into various shapes and sizes, as spaghetti, linguini, vermicelli, etc
züppe [brit.]