
listen to the pronunciation of sonata
İngilizce - Türkçe

Senin için bir sonat çalacağım. - I'll play a sonata for you.

Bir sonat yazabilir misin? - Can you write a sonata?

(isim) sonat
i., müz. sonat
İngilizce - İngilizce
A musical composition for one or a few instruments, one of which is frequently a piano, in three or four movements that vary in key and tempo
an instrumental composition
An extended instrumental composition, generally in three or four movements
A chamber music piece in several movements, typically for three instruments plus continuo in the Baroque period, and for only one or two instruments in all periods since then
An instrumental piece, often in several movements
Early sonatas were compositions written for solo instruments, but after about 1750, the form was used for a solo instrument accompanied by another
A piece for a solo, or accompanied, instrument, usually in 3 or 4 movements
Two meanings: 1, A popular kind of instrumental chamber genre, for either one solo instrument or a solo instrument plus piano accompaniment Created during the baroque era, sonatas became very popular in the classical era and are still being composed today Piano sonatas are among the most famous 2 See sonata form
(it ) - A composition for one or two instruments with several movements, each following specific forms and charachteristics [back]
A sonata is a piece of classical music written either for a single instrument, or for one instrument and a piano. a piece of music with three or four parts that is written for a piano, or for a piano and another instrument (sonare , from ). Musical form for one or more instruments, usually consisting of three or four movements. The name, Italian for "sounded (on an instrument)," originally simply indicated nonvocal music and was used for a confusing variety of genres into the late 17th century. In the 1650s two types of ensemble sonatas began to be codified, the sonata da chiesa (church sonata) and sonata da camera (chamber sonata). The former, intended for church performance, was generally in four movements, two of them slow; the latter was usually a suite of dances. The so-called solo sonata (for soloist usually violin and continuo) and the trio sonata (for two soloists and continuo) became standard. In the 1740s solo keyboard sonatas began to be written. C.P.E. Bach established the three-movement keyboard sonata as the norm, a status it would retain through the classical era. Duo sonatas in the same form, usually for violin and keyboard, simultaneously became highly popular. Keyboard and duo sonatas have remained the standard types to the present day. From Bach's time onward, the first movement was generally in allegro tempo and in sonata form. The second movement was usually slow. The last movement was generally a minuet, rondo, or theme and variations. In a four-movement sonata, the third was usually a minuet or scherzo. In these respects the sonata paralleled genres such as the symphony and the string quartet. sonata form sonata allegro form trio sonata
{i} musical composition of three to four movements for one or two instruments
Italian for "sounded " A composition meant to demonstrate the sound and technique of a particular instrument, sometimes with piano accompaniment
a musical composition of 3 or 4 movements of contrasting forms
An extended composition for one or two instruments, consisting usually of three or four movements; as, Beethoven's sonatas for the piano, for the violin and piano, etc
a work for one or two players consisting of four movements
an instrumental work in three or four movements for solo instrument and keyboard or for solo keyboard
This is a term to denote a piece of music, usually of several movements and instrumental, designed to be performed by a soloist or a small ensemble
sonata form
A form of classical music consisting of a single movement divided into three main sections, namely - the exposition (in the tonic and then another key), development (modulating in different keys) and recapitulation (returning to the tonic), sometimes followed by a coda
sonata form
A structural form for instrumental music that employs exposition, development, and recapitulation as its major divisions
sonata form
A form of a movement consisting of three sections, the exposition, development, and recapitulation, often followed by a coda. or sonata-allegro form Form of most first movements and often other movements in musical genres such as the symphony, concerto, string quartet, and sonata. The three parts of sonata form evolved from the binary, or two-part, form prominent in the music of the 17th and early 18th centuries. In sonata form the first part, or exposition, presents the basic thematic material of the movement, which is often divided into two thematic groups, the second being in the dominant key or if the movement is in a minor key in the relative major key. The second section, or development, generally treats the earlier themes freely, often moving to various different keys. It leads to the final section, or recapitulation, when the tonic key returns and all the thematic material is repeated in the tonic. Sonata form was the most common form for instrumental works in Western art music from 1760 to the early 20th century
sonata form
One of the important forms found in the classical era Sonata form, usually found as the first movement of symphonies, sonatas and other instrumental genres, is a kind of expanded rounded binary form The main sections of the sonata form are
sonata form
a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; characteristic of 1st movement of a sonata or symphony
sonata form
A structure that composers from the classic era and since have commonly used for the first movement of a sonata, symphony, concerto, or string quartet (or other similar chamber music music work) It includes three main sections: the exposition, development, and recapitulation and often begins with an introduction and ends with a coda The exposition has two theme areas in contrasting keys The development is based on material from the exposition The recapitulation is a return to previous material stated in the exposition
trio sonata
a type of musical composition with two melodic parts and basso continuo
piano sonata
a sonata for piano
plural of sonata
trio sonata
Principal chamber music genre of the Baroque era. Despite its name, it requires four performers: two melody instruments and continuo (usually a keyboard instrument and a bass instrument). It arose early in the 17th century as an instrumental version of the Italian vocal-duet ensemble. The two upper instruments, usually violins, generally wove their melodic, quasi-vocal lines high above the accompanying parts. Two standard forms emerged after 1750: the sonata da chiesa, or church sonata, standardized as a four-movement form (in slow-fast-slow-fast order); and the suite-like sonata da camera, or chamber sonata. By 1770 the genre had been abandoned in favour of the solo sonata



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    /səˈnätə/ /səˈnɑːtə/


    [ s&-'nä-t& ] (noun.) 1694. From Italian sonata, from the feminine past participle of sonare (modern suonare), from Latin sonāre (“to make sound”).