
listen to the pronunciation of savarin
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Gıda) baba tatlısı
sponge cake soaked in rum
pandispanya rom batırılmış
Türkçe - Türkçe
Yarım daire şeklinde dökülen, piştikten sonra üzerine şeker şurubu gezdirilen,rom yada likör ile kokulandırılan ve pasta kreması gibi şeylerle süslenen,mayalı hamurdan yapılmış pasta
İngilizce - İngilizce
{i} sponge cake soaked in rum
a sponge cake baked in a ring mold
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
born April 1, 1755, Belley, Fra. died Feb. 2, 1826, Paris French lawyer and gastronome. Mayor of the town of Belley, he fled France during the Reign of Terror but returned to sit on France's highest court, where he remained the rest of his life. His celebrated Physiologie du goût ("Physiology of Taste"; Eng. trans. A Handbook of Gastronomy), published in 1825, is less a treatise on cuisine than a witty compendium of anecdotes and observations intended to enhance the pleasures of the table; only the occasional recipe is included
Jean- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
born April 1, 1755, Belley, Fra. died Feb. 2, 1826, Paris French lawyer and gastronome. Mayor of the town of Belley, he fled France during the Reign of Terror but returned to sit on France's highest court, where he remained the rest of his life. His celebrated Physiologie du goût ("Physiology of Taste"; Eng. trans. A Handbook of Gastronomy), published in 1825, is less a treatise on cuisine than a witty compendium of anecdotes and observations intended to enhance the pleasures of the table; only the occasional recipe is included