unterhaus des britischen parlaments

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House of Commons
The lower house of the UK and Canadian Houses of Parliament

Reckoning from 1802 till November 15, 1837, there were thirteen Houses of Commons.

The House of Commons is the part of parliament in Britain or Canada whose members are elected. The building where they meet is also called the House of Commons. The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder. The lower house of Parliament in the United Kingdom and Canada. the House of Commons the part of the British or Canadian parliament whose members are elected by the people. Popularly elected lower house of the bicameral British Parliament. Because it alone has the power to levy taxes and allocate expenditures, it is Britain's chief legislative authority. It originated in the late 13th century, when landholders and other property owners began sending representatives to Parliament to present grievances and petitions to the king and to accept commitments to the payment of taxes. It was the less powerful house until 1911, when the Reform Bill of that year gave it the power to override the House of Lords. The party with the greatest representation in the Commons forms the government, and the prime minister chooses the cabinet from the party's members. In the early 21st century there were 659 members, elected from single-member districts. See also Canadian Parliament; parliamentary democracy
elective lower house of Parliament (Great Britain)