
listen to the pronunciation of orphanage
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} yetimhane

Tom bir yetimhanede büyüdü. - Tom grew up in an orphanage.

Tom bir yetimhanede büyütüldü. - Tom was raised in an orphanage.

öksüzler yurdu
yetimler yurdu
{i} yetimhane, öksüzler yurdu
{i} kimsesizlik
{i} öksüzlük

Tom'un kilisesi Meksika kırsalında yetimhaneler inşa ediyor. - Tom's church builds orphanages in rural Mexico.

ottoman orphanage
(Tarih) daru'l-eytam
İngilizce - İngilizce
a public institution for the care and protection of orphans
a public institution for the care of orphans the condition of being a child without living parents; "his early orphanage shaped his character as an adult
An institution or asylum for the care of orphans
a public institution for the care of orphans
An orphanage is a place where orphans live and are looked after. a large house where children who are orphans live and are taken care of
{i} institution for the care and placement of orphans
the condition of being a child without living parents; "his early orphanage shaped his character as an adult"
The state of being an orphan; orphanhood; orphans, collectively
plural of orphanage



    Türkçe nasıl söylenir


    Eş anlamlılar

    children's home, orphanarium


    /ˈôrfənəʤ/ /ˈɔːrfənəʤ/


    ... girl in a basket that he lays at the doorstep of an orphanage.  Well, the next day, the ...
    ... baby girl that he drops off at an orphanage.  Well, the next day, the nuns at the orphanage ...