namussuz, ahlaksız

listen to the pronunciation of namussuz, ahlaksız
Türkçe - İngilizce
{s} reprobate
Rejected; cast off as worthless
Rejected by God; damned, sinful

Strength and Art are easily out-done / By Spirits reprobate.

Of God: to abandon or reject, to deny eternal bliss
One rejected by God; a sinful person
Immoral, having no religious or principled character

The reprobate criminal sneered at me.

one abandoned to depravity and sin
To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme dislike; to condemn as unworthy; to disallow; to reject
To have strong disapproval of something; to condemn
Abandoned to punishment; hence, morally abandoned and lost; given up to vice; depraved
Of or pertaining to one who is given up to wickedness; as, reprobate conduct
disapproval If you describe someone as a reprobate, you mean that they behave in a way that is not respectable or morally correct. a drunken reprobate. someone who behaves in an immoral way - often used humorously (past participle of reprobare; REPROVE)
a person without moral scruples
{f} censure, denounce, condemn
marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good; "depraved criminals"; "a perverted sense of loyalty"; "the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat"
To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon
a person without moral scruples reject (documents) as invalid abandon to eternal damnation; "God reprobated the unrepenting sinner
express strong disapproval of; "We condemn the racism in South Africa"; "These ideas were reprobated"
reject (documents) as invalid
abandon to eternal damnation; "God reprobated the unrepenting sinner"