
listen to the pronunciation of lunar
İngilizce - Türkçe
ay ile ilgili
{s} aya ait

Apollo 16 aya ait çok sayıda kaya ve toprak örnekleri getirdi. - Apollo 16 brought back a large number of lunar rocks and soil samples.

ayla ilgili
lunar caustic cehennemtaşı
lunar distance ayın güneşten veya bir yıldızdan derece hesabıyle olan uzaklığı
(Tıp) Ay şeklinde, aysel
{s} gümüşlü
{s} yarımay şeklinde
gümüşe ait
LM aya insan götürmek için kullanılan roketin en ön kısmı
lunar eclipse
ay tutulması

Dün ay tutulmasını gördün mü? - Did you see the lunar eclipse yesterday?

Bu gece bir ay tutulması görülecek. - A lunar eclipse will be visible tonight.

lunar base
(Askeri) ay üssü
lunar landing
(Askeri) aya iniş
lunar rock
ay taşı
lunar satellite
(Askeri) ay uydusu
lunar calendar
ay takvimi
lunar caustic
cehennem taşı
lunar map
ay haritası
lunar module
ay modülü

1969'da Neil Armstrong ve Buzz Aldrin, Ay Modülü Eagle'la ay yüzeyine indiğinde, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri galip geldi. - In 1969, the United States won when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed the Lunar Module Eagle on the Moon's surface.

lunar module
ay kapsülü
lunar month
kameri ay

Kameri ayın ikinci yarısı boyunca ay her gece incelir. Biz buna küçülme diyoruz. - During the second half of the lunar month, the Moon grows thinner each night. We call this waning.

Ayın diskinin yarısı ışıklandırıldığında biz buna ilk çeyrek ay deriz. Bu isim kameri ay boyunca ayın yolun dörtte birinde olduğu gerçeğine dayanmaktadır. - When half of the Moon's disc is illuminated, we call it the first quarter moon. This name comes from the fact that the Moon is now one-quarter of the way through the lunar month.

lunar rover
ay taşıtı
lunar year
ay yılı
lunar year
kameri yıl
Lunar soil
Ayın yüzeyi
Lunar soil
Ay toprağı
lunar cycle
Ay döngüsü
lunar landing vehicle
aya iniş aracı
lunar surface
Ay yüzeyine
lunar base
(Askeri) AY ÜSSÜ: Bilimsel ve askeri faaliyetlerde bir üs olarak kullanılmak üzere ay yüzeyinde kurulması tasarlanan bir tesis
lunar caustic
gümüş nitrat
lunar dates
(Bilgisayar) ay tarihleri
lunar distance
ayın uzaklığı
lunar gravity
(Askeri) ay çekim kuvveti
lunar gravity
(Askeri) AY ÇEKİM KUVVETİ: Zerre ve kitlelerin ay çekim merkezine doğru çekilmesi
lunar landing
(Askeri) AYA İNİŞ: Bir aracın Ay yüzeyine faydalı şekilde inişi. Bak. "soft landing"
lunar month
28 günlük ay
lunar month
kamer ayı
lunar orbit
(Askeri) ay yörüngesi
lunar orbit
(Askeri) AY YÖRÜNGESİ: Ay çevresinde yörüngeye oturmuş bir cismin çizdiği yörünge
lunar payload
(Askeri) AY ARACI FAYDALI AĞIRLIĞI: Bir ay araştırma aracının sadece karşılaşılacak şartları tespit ve bildirmeye mahsus aletlerden ibaret faydalı ağırlığı. Aya indirilmiş bir aracın faydalı ağırlığına; dönüş için gerekli fırlatma roketleri -şayet istenilen araştırma bilgileri bu roketlerde elde edilmiyorsa- dahil değildir
lunar probe
(Askeri) AY ARAŞTIRMA ARACI: Ay üzerinde veya çevresindeki şartları keşif ve bildirmeye mahsus bir araştırma aracı. Bak. "probe"
lunar probe
(Askeri) ay araştırma aracı
lunar satellite
(Askeri) AY UYDUSU: İnsan eliyle imal edilmiş ve ay çevresinde bir veya daha çok devir yapacak bir uydu. Bak. "Moon satellite" ve "selenoid"
lunar space
(Askeri) AY UZAYI: Aya yakın olan uzay (ay uzayında ay çekim kuvveti hakim durumdadır)
lunar space
(Askeri) ay uzayı
partial lunar eclipse
Parçalı ay tutulması
chinese lunar
çince ay
hebrew lunar
ibranice ay
İngilizce - İngilizce
Of, or pertaining to, the moon
Of, or pertaining to, silver
Crescent shaped, lunate
pertaining to the moon
{a} relating to or like the moon
Of or pertaining to the moon; as, lunar observations
Relating to the Moon
The middle bone of the proximal series of the carpus; called also semilunar, and intermedium
of or relating to or associated with the moon; "lunar surface"; "lunar module
Measured by the revolutions of the moon; as, a lunar month
Having to do with the moon
Of, or relating to silver
Of or pertaining to the Moon
of or relating to or associated with the moon; "lunar surface"; "lunar module"
Influenced by the moon, as in growth, character, or properties; as, lunar herbs
Resembling the moon; orbed
Lunar means relating to the moon. The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape. a magazine article celebrating the anniversary of man's first lunar landing. relating to the moon or to travel to the moon (lunaris, from luna )
The Lunar orbit class includes all missions which went into orbit around the Moon or impacted the lunar surface
A lunar distance
{s} of the moon; resembling the moon; of or pertaining to silver
lunar calendar
a calendar that measures the passage of the year according to the phases of the moon, as opposed to the revolution of the earth around the sun; a calendar of the lunar year
lunar cataclysm
A period of time, approximately 4 billion years ago, during which a large number of impact craters formed on Earth's Moon
lunar eclipse
A phenomenon occurring when the Earth casts a shadow over the Moon
lunar eclipses
plural form of lunar eclipse
lunar module
The spacecraft used in the Apollo missions that was designed for the landing on the surface of the Moon; the lunar excursion module
lunar modules
plural form of lunar module
lunar month
a sidereal month of approximately 27.32 days, the length of time taken by the moon in its orbit about the Earth to return to the same point as viewed against the background of stars
lunar month
a synodic month of approximately 29.53 days, measured from a lunar phase until the return of that same phase
lunar month
a period from one new moon until the next
lunar occultation
The passage of the Moon, as it moves through the nighttime sky, in front of a celestial object, such as a star or planet
lunar phase
Any one of the aspects or appearances presented by the moon as seen from Earth
lunar year
a year determined by a certain number of phases of the moon, as opposed to the passage of the earth around the sun
Lunar soil
The fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon
lunar calendar
n calendar that follows marks the months based on the movements of the moon The Chinese calendar is the most well-known lunar calendar
lunar calendar
The calendar that calculates months by using the moon
lunar calendar
This calendar is based on the lunar months, which approximate the period of the lunation, with little or no regard for the solar year Because the solar year is about 365 days long and the lunar year of 12 lunar months is about 354 days long, the New Year's Day will occur approximately 11 days earlier each year In a strictly lunar calendar where there is no solar correction, the months will gradually drift backwards through the seasons around the year, and any month can eventually fall in any season The most familiar example of this is the Muslim calendar
lunar calendar
The hijrah (migration of Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Madinah in 622 C E ), marks the starting point of the Muslim calendar, comprised of twelve lunar months (a lunar year is roughly eleven days shorter than a solar year (365 days), since each lunar month begins when the new moon’s crescent becomes visible every 29 or 30 days) Muslims use such a Hijri calendar for various religious obligations such as fasting during Ramadan, celebrating the two Eid holidays, and performing the Hajj Many contemporary sources on Islam include both the Gregorian (C E -common era or A D -anno domini) and Hijri (A H -after hijrah) dates for historical events For example, a citation of 974/1566 corresponds to the date of death of the Ottoman sultan Sulayman "The Magnificent" in A H and C E /A D values
lunar calendar
In their religious duties, Muslims depend on the solar and lunar calendars The latter is shorter than the solar by twelve days Fasting the month of Ramadhan, celebrating the two major feasts (Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha), performing the pilgrimage to Makkah, and other religious activities depend upon the lunar months The timing of the daily prayers depend on the solar system
lunar calendar
a calendar based on lunar cycles
lunar calendar
A calendar based on the motion of the moon   For most lunar calendars the month always begins with the new moon   A strictly lunar calendar cannot stay synchronized with the seasons
lunar caustic
Silver nitrate in the form of sticks used in cauterization
lunar caustic
silver nitrate fused into sticks and formerly used as a caustic
lunar crater
a crater on the Earth's moon
lunar cycle
cycle of lunar months
lunar day
the period of time taken for the moon to make one full rotation on its axis about 27
lunar day
3 sidereal days
lunar eclipse
The name of the event when the Earth comes exactly between the Sun and the moon
lunar eclipse
Luna = [Latin] MoonA lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves through the shadow of the Earth The shadow of the Earth points in exactly the opposite direction from the Sun and the Moon only rarely moves through it Lunar eclipses occur only when the Moon is full (but not every time the Moon is full) When the Moon is partly in the shadow of the Earth, then you can see that the shadow of the Earth is round, which means that the Earth itself must be round, too There are also solar eclipses M
lunar eclipse
the earth interrupts light shining on the moon
lunar eclipse
An eclipse of the Moon
lunar eclipse
When the moon passes into the Earth's shadow
lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipse is when the moon gets dark when it enters Earth's shadow The lunar eclipse happens at full moon, and because the moon shines only by reflected sunlight it is a gradual darkening when it enters the shadow
lunar eclipse
eclipse of the moon, instance in which the moon is obscured by the Earth's shadow
lunar eclipse
An eclipse of the moon occurs when the earth is in a direct line between the sun and the moon The moon does not have any light of its own, instead, it reflects the sun's light During a lunar eclipse, the moon is in the earth's shadow It will often look dim and sometimes copper or orange in color
lunar eclipse
Celestial event during which the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth, temporarily darkening its surface
lunar eclipse
A eclipse of the moon occurs when the Earth is in a direct line between the sun and the moon The moon does not have any light of its own, instead it reflects the sun's light During a lunar eclipse the moon is in the earth's shadow
lunar eclipse
the passage of the Moon into the shadow of the Earth, always occurring at a full Moon
lunar eclipse
occurs when the Moon passes through the shadow cast by the Earth; the three types of lunar eclipses are partial, penumbral and total
lunar eclipse
when the shadow of the Earth hits the Moon at exactly full phase
lunar eclipse
The cutoff of light from the full moon when the earth is directly between the sun and the moon, so that the earth's shadow is cast on the moon
lunar eclipse
When the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow and seems to disappear An omen of deep transformation, often lasting 6 to 12 months See also eclipse
lunar eclipse
When the Moon, Sun and Earth are lined up in space so that the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon
lunar eclipse
Eclipse of the Moon caused by the shadow of the Earth falling on the disk of the full Moon when the the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned Unlike total solar eclipses, which are only visible along a narrow path for a few minutes, lunar eclipses are visible from all of the nighttime globe and last for over an hour
lunar eclipse
A phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the penumbra, or partial shadow In a total lunar eclipse, the Moon passes into the Earth's umbra, or total shadow
lunar eclipse
An eclipse created by the Earth coming between the Sun and the Moon Lunar eclipses always happen during the full moon phase
lunar eclipse
the passage of the Moon into the shadow of the Earth, always occurring at a full Moon M N
lunar eclipse
A spectacular, though relatively common, celestial event that occurs when the Moon, Earth and Sun form a line in space The Moon travels through Earth's shadow
lunar excursion module
a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back
lunar excursion module
n. A spacecraft designed to transport astronauts from a command module orbiting the moon to the lunar surface and back. Also called lunar module
lunar landing
arrival on the surface of the moon
lunar latitude
an imaginary line around the moon parallel to its equator
lunar module
a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back
lunar month
The time taken for our Moon to make one complete orbit around the Earth The time taken to do this is just over 28 days
lunar month
The average time between successive new or full moons, equal to 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes
lunar month
Also, known as a synodic month is the time between consecutive new or full moons that last 29 days, 12 hours, and 44 minutes
lunar month
Same as synodical month
lunar month
28 days -- the time it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth once
lunar month
time between one new moon and the next (approximately 29 and a half days)
lunar month
About four weeks from new moon to new moon
lunar month
the period between successive new moons (29 531 days)
lunar month
The average time between successive new or full moons A lunar month is equal to 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes Also called a synodic month
lunar month
531 days
lunar month
The average time between successive new or full moons, equal to 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes. Also called synodic month. a period of 28 or 29 days between one new moon and the next
lunar month
the period between successive new moons 29
lunar month
The lunar month is approximately 29 53 days in length It is the average period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth with repect to the Sun, or the average interval between corresponding phases of the Moon Same as the synodical month
lunar tide
oceanic tide that is affected by the pull of the moon's gravity
lunar year
An interval of 12 lunar months
lunar year
time period composed of 12 lunar months
lunar year
a period of 12 lunar months



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    /ˈlo͞onər/ /ˈluːnɜr/


    [ lü-n&r also -" ] (adjective.) 15th century. From Latin lūnāris.