
listen to the pronunciation of kindergarten
İngilizce - Türkçe
ana okulu

Tom Mary'yi ana okulundan beri tanıyor. - Tom has known Mary since kindergarten.

Ana okulu öğretmeninin adını hatırlayabiliyor musun? - Can you remember your kindergarten teacher's name?

{i} kreş

Beş yaşındaki kızım kreşe her zaman mutlu ve enerji dolu gider. - My five year old daughter always goes to kindergarten happy and full of energy.

ana mektebi
{i} anaokulu

Tom, anaokulu öğretmeninin adını hatırlayamıyor. - Tom can't remember his kindergarten teacher's name.

Tom az önce anaokuluna başladı. - Tom has just started kindergarten.

{i} çocuk yuvası
ana sınıfı
çocuk yuvaları
uşak bahçesi
kindergartneranaokulu öğretmeni veya öğrencisi
(Ticaret) yuva
{i} K, İngiliz alfabesinin on birinci harfi
(Tıp) Potasyum sembolü
İngilizce - İngilizce
An educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6; nursery school
A school for young children, conducted on the theory that education should be begun by gratifying and cultivating the normal aptitude for exercise, play, observation, imitation, and construction; a name given by Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, who introduced this method of training, in rooms opening on a garden
A kindergarten is an informal kind of school for very young children, where they learn things by playing. She's in kindergarten now. = nursery. School or class intended for children age four to six as a prominent part of preschool education. The kindergarten originated in the early 19th century as an outgrowth of the ideas and practices of Robert Owen in Britain, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi in Switzerland and his pupil Friedrich Froebel (who coined the term) in Germany, and Maria Montessori in Italy. Kindergartens generally stress the social and emotional growth of the child, encouraging self-understanding through play activities and creative expression
a preschool for children age 4 to 6 to prepare them for primary school
{i} nursery school, school for children between the ages of 4 and 6
kindergarten teacher
person who teaches a class of children between the ages of 4 and 6

Example: K-8 is Kindergarten through eighth grade.

plural of kindergarten
nursery school, pre-school



    Türkçe nasıl söylenir


    Eş anlamlılar

    nursery school, preschool


    /ˈkəndərˌgärtən/ /ˈkɪndɜrˌɡɑːrtən/


    () From the German Kindergarten ("nursery school", literally "children's garden").


    ... educators as useful for teaching kindergarten math. ...
    ... So I click on Math, Kindergarten. ...