isteklerini yerine getirmek

listen to the pronunciation of isteklerini yerine getirmek
Türkçe - İngilizce
To satisfy the wishes or whims of

I love to indulge myself with beautiful clothes.

To grant an extension to the deadline of a payment
: '' To yield to a temptation or desire

I indulged in drinking on the weekend.

{f} give in to desire; take unrestrained pleasure in, wallow; yield to, satisfy; pamper, spoil; humor
If you indulge someone, you let them have or do what they want, even if this is not good for them. He did not agree with indulging children. = spoil
If you indulge in something or if you indulge yourself, you allow yourself to have or do something that you know you will enjoy. Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football You can indulge yourself without spending a fortune
To grant as by favor; to bestow in concession, or in compliance with a wish or request
enjoy to excess give free rein to; "The writer indulged in metaphorical language
enjoy to excess
To be complacent toward; to give way to; not to oppose or restrain to give free course to; to give one's self up to; as, to indulge sloth, pride, selfishness, or inclinations; to yield to the desire of; to gratify by compliance; to humor; to withhold restraint from; as, to indulge children in their caprices or willfulness; to indulge one's self with a rest or in pleasure
give free rein to; "The writer indulged in metaphorical language"
To satisfy the wishes of; to give in to
(often followed by "in"): To take pleasure in
treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
To indulge one's self; to gratify one's tastes or desires; esp
yield (to); give satisfaction to
to give one's self up (to); to practice a forbidden or questionable act without restraint; followed by in, but formerly, also, by to