
listen to the pronunciation of exception
İngilizce - Türkçe

Her kural için istisnalar vardır. - Every rule has its exceptions.

Her kural için istisnalar vardır. - There are exceptions to every rule.

dışta bırakma
(Bilgisayar) olağandışılık
kuraldışı durum
özel durum

Bazı özel durumlarımız olacak. - We'll have some exceptions.

istisna etme
ender durum
hariç tutma
kural dışı durum

Genç adam kuralları biliyor ama yaşlı adam kural dışı durumları biliyor. - The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

(Mukavele) istisna; mahkemenin kararlarına itiraz
mahkemenin ara kararlarına itiraz
without exception ayrım yapmaksızın
Kural Dışı

Genç adam kuralları biliyor ama yaşlı adam kural dışı durumları biliyor. - The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

{i} ayrım yapma

Tom hiç kimse için ayrım yapmaz. - Tom doesn't make exceptions for anyone.

kabul etmemek
istisna kuralı bozmaz
{i} kuraldışılık
olağandışı durum

İstisnasız hiçbir kural yoktur. - There is no rule without exception.

İstisnasız kural yoktur. - There are no rules without exceptions.

{i} sıradışı durum
(Ticaret) muafiyet
{e} haricinde

Onun haricinde hiç kimse yoktu. - No one was absent except her.

Bir kedi haricinde ev boştu. - The house was empty except for a cat.


Pazartesi hariç herhangi bir gün olur. - Any day will do except Monday.

Pazar günleri hariç her gün çalışırım. - I work every day except for Sundays.


Benim dışında herkes meşgul. - Everybody is busy except me.

İnsanların yiyecek için avlanmanın dışında yapacakları çok az şeyleri vardı. - The men had little to do except hunt for food.

exception against decision
(Kanun) karara itiraz
exception area
(Çevre) istisna alanı
exception list
(Bilgisayar) özel durumlar listesi
exception list
(Bilgisayar) kural dışı durumlar listesi
exception list
(Bilgisayar) özel durum listesi
exception material
(Askeri) istisnai malzeme
exception message
kuraldışı durum iletisi
exception handling
kural dışı durum işleme
exception message
kural dışı durum mesajı
exception reporting
dışlamalı raporlama
exception routines
dışlama yordamlari
exception dispatcher
Kural Dışı İşlemci Zamanlayıcısı
exception handler
Kural Dışı İşleyici
exception handling
olağandışı durum işleme
exception handling
Kural Dışılık İşleme
exception material
exception message
kural dışı durum iletisi
exception message
olağandışı durum iletisi
exception message
Kural Dışı İletisi
exception routines
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dışlama yordamları
{e} -den başka, hariç, dışında. bağ
{f} hariç tutmak
{f} dışında tutmak
Checked Exception
(Antika) Denetimli istisna
-den başka
bunların dışında
(Bilgisayar) aşağıda
hariç bırakmak

Her kural için istisnalar vardır. - Every rule has its exceptions.

Bu kuralın istisnaları yoktur. - This rule has no exceptions.

(Bilgisayar) kural dışı durumlar
urgent exception
(Kanun) acele itiraz
management by exception
hariç tutarak yönetme
take exception
aynı görüşte olmamak
The exception proves the rule
İstisna kuralı bozmaz

Bu kuralın istisnaları yoktur. - This rule has no exceptions.

Her kural için istisnalar vardır. - There are exceptions to every rule.

making exception
istisna yapmak
margin exception reporting
margin istisna raporlama
state of exception
Âcil hâl, olağanüstü hâl, sıkıyönetim hâli, istisnâi hâl
without exception triumph
istinasız galip gelmek
without the exception of
The exception proves
İstisna kuralı bozmaz
all without exception
istisnasız hepsi
as an exception
istisna olarak
bill of exception
itiraz dilekçesi
by way of exception
istisna olarak
{f} -in dışında tutmak: He excepted Harun from this. Harun'u bunun dışında tuttu
ayrı tutmak

Adam üç gündür bir şey yememişti, yiyecekten başka bir şey düşünemiyordu. - The man, who had not eaten for three days, had trouble thinking about anything except food.

Tom'un sonuçları kabul etmekten başka seçeneği yoktu. - Tom had no choice except to accept the consequences.


Bu saati satın alırdım fakat çok pahalı. - I would buy this watch, except it's too expensive.

{f} itiraz etmek
conj. haricinde
ayrı tut
(bağlaç) yoksa, haricinde, olmazsa, başka
{e} -den başka: He can do everything except speak Chinese. Çince konuşmaktan başka her şeyi yapabilir. 2
{f} karşı çıkmak
özel durumlar

Bazı özel durumlarımız olacak. - We'll have some exceptions.

management by exception
(Askeri) İSTİSNALI MANAJMAN, İSTİSNALI İŞLETMECİLİK: Bir tesis içinde her seviyedeki idarecinin, kendi sorumluluğu çerçevesine giren bir yetkiyi kullanma şekli. MANAGEMENT OF ITEMS SUBJECT (TO REPAIR CMISTR) SYSTEM: TAMİRİ KABİL MALZEME (MATAP)
preliminary exception
(Kanun) ilk itiraz
preliminary exception
(Kanun) iptidai itiraz
rejection of exception
(Kanun) itirazın reddi
reliability exception
(Ticaret) güvenilirlik istisnası
special exception
özel istisna
structured exception handling
Yapısal Özel Durum İşlemesi
take exception to
itiraz etmek
take exception to
-e kızmak
tariff of exception
(Ticaret) istisnai tarife
tolerate no exception
istisna kabul etmemek
without exception
without exception
ayrım yapmaksızın
without the exception
İngilizce - İngilizce
An objection, on legal grounds; also, as in conveyancing, a clause by which the grantor excepts or reserves something before the right is transferred
An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; — usually followed by to or against
That which is excepted or taken out from others; a person, thing, or case, specified as distinct, or not included; as, almost every general rule has its exceptions
An interruption in normal processing, especially as caused by an error condition
The act of excepting or excluding; exclusion; restriction by taking out something which would otherwise be included, as in a class, statement, rule
An exclusion from coverage in a policy of insurance, usually referring to a known risk or defect for which the insurer assumes no responsibility
{i} something that is out of the ordinary, anomaly; objection, opposition
Any user, logic, or system error detected by a function that does not itself deal with the error but passes the error on to a handling routine
An object representing the occurrence of an exceptional circumstance - typically, something that has gone wrong in the smooth running of a program Exception objects are created from classes that extend the Throwable class See checked exception and unchecked exception
A special kind of Java object used to indicate an exceptional circumstance Typically used in conjunction with throw and catch statements See the chapter on Exceptions
An excpeption is thrown when an evaluation cannot be performed correctly The difference between errors and exceptions is that exceptions can be handled using the catch form
An event during program execution that prevents the program from continuing normally
{n} an exclusion, objection, dislike, bar
An error condition that changes the normal flow of control in a program An exception may be generated ("raised") by hardware or software Hardware exceptions include reset, interrupt or a signal from a memory management unit Exceptions may be generated by the arithmetic logic unit or floating-point unit for numerical errors such as divide by zero, overflow or underflow or instruction decoding errors such as privileged, reserved, trap or undefined instructions Software exceptions are even more varied and the term could be applied to any kind of error checking which alters the normal behavior of the program In C++, an exception is a language-supported mechanism whereby objects (which usually convey information about the error) are thrown from one part of a program and may be caught elsewhere in the program
an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization; "all her children were brilliant; the only exception was her last child"; "an exception tests the rule"
(1) A user or system error detected by the system and passed to an operating system or user exception handler (2) In the C++ language, any user, logic, or system error detected by a function that does not itself deal with the error but passes the error on to a handling routine (also called "throwing the exception") See signal
An exception is a run-time error condition Exception handling is a C++ mechanism that allows the detector of the error to pass the error condition to code (the exception handler) that is prepared to handle it An exception is raised by a throw statement within a try block and handled by a catch clause Note, the ANSI/ISO C++ International Standard defines only synchronous exceptions
A provision in a copyright law permitting the use of a work by defined user groups without the consent of its creator and without the payment of royalties which use would otherwise be an infringement of copyright Examples of user groups benefiting from exceptions are educational institutions, libraries, museums, archives and persons with a perceptual disability
An IDL construct that represents an exceptional condition that could be returned in response to an invocation There are two categories of exceptions: (1) system exceptions, which inherit from org omg CORBA SystemException (which is a java lang RuntimeException), and (2) user-defined exceptions, which inherit from org omg CORBA UserException (which is a java lang Exception)
An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; usually followed by to or against
—A signal that is generated when an unplanned or unexpected event occurs Exceptions are typically caught by an exception handler and dealt with in an appropriate way A fatal exception (also called a critical or catastrophic error) is an event that cannot be properly handled to allow the application—or the operating system—to continue running
a deliberate act of omission; "with the exception of the children, everyone was told the news"
A provision in a title insurance binder or policy excludes liability for a specified title defect or an outstanding encumbrance
An objection, oral or written, taken, in the course of an action, as to bail or security; or as to the decision of a judge, in the course of a trail, or in his charge to a jury; or as to lapse of time, or scandal, impertinence, or insufficiency in a pleading; also, as in conveyancing, a clause by which the grantor excepts something before granted
- A provision in a title insurance binder or policy that excludes liability for a specific title defect or an outstanding lien or encumbrance
If you are making a general statement and you say that something is the exception that proves the rule, you mean that although it seems to contradict your statement, in most other cases your statement will be true. Wine-making and accountants don't usually go together, but Thierry Hasard is an exception that proves the rule
A provision to the title insurance binder or policy that excludes liability for a specific title defect or an outstanding lien or encumbrance
a deliberate act of omission; "with the exception of the children, everyone was told the news" an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization; "all her children were brilliant; the only exception was her last child"; "an exception tests the rule" grounds for adverse criticism; "his authority is beyond exception
As used in the conveyance of real estate, an exception is the exclusion of some part of the property conveyed, with title of that excepted part remaining with the grantor For example, in most subdivision developments, mineral rights are not conveyed to the purchaser of a lot, but remain the property of the developer Contrast with Reservation
If you take exception to something, you feel offended or annoyed by it, usually with the result that you complain about it. He also took exception to having been spied on = object
An exception is a particular thing, person, or situation that is not included in a general statement, judgment, or rule. Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is an exception There were no floral offerings at the ceremony, with the exception of a single red rose The law makes no exceptions With few exceptions, guests are booked for week-long visits
An event that causes suspension of normal program execution Types include addressing exception, data exception, operation exception, overflow exception, protection exception, underflow exception [6]
An interruption to the normal flow of program control that occurs when an error or other special condition is detected during execution An exception transfers control from the code generating the exception to another piece of code, generally a routine called an exception handler
An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; -- usually followed by to or against
emphasis You use without exception to emphasize that the statement you are making is true in all cases. The vehicles are without exception old, rusty and dented
grounds for adverse criticism; "his authority is beyond exception"
In programming, a problem or change in conditions that causes the microprocessor to stop what it is doing and handle the situation in a separate routine An exception is similar to an interrupt; both refer the microprocessor to a separate set of instructions
If a built-in Java operator or programmer supplied Java method cannot correctly compute its result (often the user has specified the wrong arguments) it throws an exception to indicate a problem Uses of such operators/methods occur in try/catch blocks that indicate how to proceed if an exception is thrown
A provision in a title insurance binder or policy that excludes liability for a specific title defect or an outstanding lien or encumbrance
An error, such as division by zero, detected by hardware or by the operating system Fatal exceptions halt execution of an application and, in a few circumstances, kill the operating system
grounds for adverse criticism; "his authority is beyond exception
An event during program execution that prevents the program from continuing normally (usually an error) Java supports exceptions with the try, catch, and throw keywords
An event during program execution that prevents the program from continuing normally; generally, an error The Java language supports exceptions with the try, catch, and throw keywords See also exception handler
You use with the exception of to introduce a thing or person that is not included in a general statement that you are making. Yesterday was a day off for everybody, with the exception of Lawrence
from a title insurance policy, portions of the land containg encumbrances and in which free and clear title is subject to certain conditions from a legal description, portions of land which are included in the description of a larger parcel of land but then excluded from it by a subsequent legal description
emphasis If you make a general statement, and then say that something or someone is no exception, you are emphasizing that they are included in that statement. Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are no exception Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was no exception
{i} exceptive
exception that proves the rule
A form of argument in which the existence of a counterexample to a rule is used to demonstrate the fact that a rule exists
exception that proves the rule
The rare occurrence of a counterexample to a rule, used to underscore that the rule exists
exception message
(Ticaret) A system-generated notification of an order, inventory or other condition that violates defined parameters and requires a response. Messages include indications for past due, cancellation, order quantity changes, order date changes, inventory below safety stock level, and many other conditions. Systems that use auto-rescheduling use exception messages to initiate automatic action, without manual review and intervention by a planner
every rule has an exception
Alternative form of there is an exception to every rule
Unless; used to introduce a hypothetical case in which an exception may exist

Offensive wars, except the cause be very just, I will not allow of.

With the exception (that); used to introduce a clause, phrase or adverb forming an exception or qualification to something previously stated

I never made fun of her except teasingly.

To take exception, to object (to or against)

he was a great lover of music, and perhaps, had he lived in town, might have passed for a connoisseur; for he always excepted against the finest compositions of Mr Handel.

first-chance exception
An exception (error condition) when handled by a debugger, such that the programmer has the first chance to study it; such an exception would otherwise proceed to a handler or (in its absence) crash the program

Here getting Early Crash Dump when a first-chance exception happens can help in component identification before corruption starts spreading across data.

take exception
To take offense; to object or protest

I think he took exception to the joke about environmentalists.

take exception to
To be offended by; to consider offensive.“” in Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898).“exception” in Charlton Laird, Webster's New World Thesaurus, third edition, Simon and Schuster (2003), ISBN 978-0-7434-7071-1, .“take exception to” in Ilo Stefanllari, English-Albanian Dictionary of Idioms, Hippocrene Books (2000), ISBN 978-0-7818-0783-8,

Upset, about 20 Kuala Lumpur-based judges met on 25 March and decided that Salleh should write to the king explaining their position. The king apparently took exception to the letter or to the manner in which it was sent.

take exception to
To object to; to disagree with
there is an exception to every rule
Usually said in a situation when the rule is incorrect and unusable
{f} exclude, leave out; protest, object
{v} to leave or take out, exempt, object
state of exception
A concept in the legal theory of Carl Schmitt, similar to a state of emergency, but based in the sovereign's ability to transcend the rule of law for public good
An exception
as an exception
unusually, extraordinarily, leniently
prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
With the exception of; but
Unless; if it be not so that
To take exception, to object to
With exclusion of; leaving or left out; excepting
take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"
A SQL operator that examines rows from two SELECT statements It returns all rows from one statement except those that would be returned by the second statement Sometimes implemented as a SUBTRACT command See UNION
To exclude; to specify as being an exception
To take exception; to object; usually followed by to, sometimes by against; as, to except to a witness or his testimony
You use except for to introduce the only thing or person that prevents a statement from being completely true. He hadn't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad Everyone was late, except for Richard. to not include something except sth from sth
{e} besides, but, excluding
excluding, as in: I knew all the answers on the test, except the last one
You use except to introduce the only thing or person that a statement does not apply to, or a fact that prevents a statement from being completely true. I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in Europe I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds Except is also a conjunction. Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play
the following to be reactive: ethane, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, ammonium carbonates, methyl chloroform (TCA), methylene chloride (dichloromethane), CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, FC-23, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-115, HCFC-123, HCFC-134a, HCFC-141b, HCFC-142b
conj. but, only
To take or leave out (anything) from a number or a whole as not belonging to it; to exclude; to omit
To object to; to protest against
{e} besides
{i} state of being exceptional, remarkableness, state of being extraordinary
Declarations by either side in a civil or criminal case reserving the right to appeal a judge's ruling upon a motion Also, in regulatory cases, objections by either side to points made by the other side or to rulings by the agency or one of its hearing officers
Events or occurrences that are not considered normal and require further attention
Sometimes known as Exclusion, these are designed to limit the insurer's risk and can be found in the small print of policies Notable examples would be the exclusion of war risks and nuclear damage, property covered by other insurance, etc
Exceptions are a runtime error reporting mechanism that requires programs to handle raised exceptions or have their stack unwound until the exception is handled (caught) or the thread is terminated
plural of exception
Anything that must be handled on a student-by-student basis These could be matching transfer courses that haven't been articulated, waivers or any number of special circumstances
Notations on a delivery receipt made by the person receiving the merchandise stating that the container, shipping package, or merchandise was received in damaged condition or that total quantity was not received Establishes evidence that the shipment was not sound or complete at time of delivery If no exceptions are taken during the course of shipment, it may be difficult for a claimant to prove that a loss actually occurred prior to their receiving the merchandise
An unexpected event The event can contain data, may be defined by the language, developer or the CORBA standard An exception can be returned by the operation as an alternative It is normally used to indicate an error condition
Declarations by either side in a civil or criminal case reserving the right to appeal a judge's ruling on a motion Also, in regulatory cases, objections by either side to points made by the other side or to rulings by the agency or one of its hearing officers
Notations on a delivery receipt, made by the person receiving the merchandise, stating that the container or shipping package or merchandise was received in a damaged condition or that total quantity was not received Establishes evidence that the shipment was not sound, or complete, at time of delivery If no exceptions are taken during the course of shipment, it may be difficult for a claimant to prove that a loss actually occurred prior to their receiving the merchandise
Policies do not cover disability of loss contributed to or caused by: 1) War and any hazard arising from war, 2) Active duty in any Armed Forces, whether or not at war, 3) Regular pregnancy (not considered a disease or illness and therefore does not constitute a disability)
Information on violations of integrity constraints
1) The application of catalyzed (two-part) fiberglass or epoxy coatings These coatings have strong solvents that destroy normal covers Special high-solvent covers are available for these coatings
Exceptions are occurrences that cause deviation from a plan, such as issues, change requests and risks Exceptions can also refer to items that the cost variance and schedule variance exceed predefined thresholds
Error conditions where invalid or incomplete data is found in EDI transaction set exchanges
A list of flaws, clouds, encumbrances or uncertainties, or other interests that title insurance will not guarantee that our insured has a priority over
contains information on violations of integrity constraints This view is created by the utlexcpt sql script
This is a section on the Inventory Sheet for you to note exceptions to the condition of your furniture or cartons upon delivery Any damage or missing items should be noted in that section prior to signing for delivery A copy must be kept for your records (You have up to 60 days to inspect your goods for missing or damaged items)
margin exception reporting
(Ticaret) Features in order entry systems that compare line item prices to standard costs and flag instances that violate a predefined margin percentage
took an exception
expressed his opposition in writing, objected
was an exception
was irregular, was different
was an exception to the rule
was a unique situation, was an unusual circumstance
with no exception
without any special cases, always
with the exception of
to remove -, to minimize -, lacking only