
listen to the pronunciation of ra
English - Turkish
(Mitoloji) Eski Mısır inancına göre Güneş tanrısı. Ra sözcüğünün Eski Mısır dilinde "ışık, aydınlık, gün..." gibi anlamları mevcuttu. Ra, kafasında yılanlı güneş diski taşıyan şahin başlı bir adam şeklinde tasvir edilirdi
(Askeri) risk analizi (risk analysis)
Turkish - Turkish
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. İsim veya zamirin sonuna ilâve edilirse, Türkçedeki i, im, in, a, e eklerinin yerine kullanılır. Meselâ: Hâne: Ev. Hâne-râ: Evi, evin, eve.Tû: Sen. Tû-râ: Seni, senin, sana
Küçük kene
Norveçli kâşif Thor Heyerdahl'ın eski Mısırlıların Amerika'ya gittiğini kanıtlamak için papirüsten yaptığı ve ikinci seferinde başarıya ulaştığı teknenin adı
Radyum elementinin simgesi
Norveçli Etnalog Thor Heyerdahl'ın 1969 yılında düzenlediği bilimsel okyanus seferlerinden biri
English - English
Royal Academician, a member of the Royal Academy
Resident Assistant, a trained student leader, within a college or university, who is given the responsibility of supervising students living in a residence hall
Royal Artillery, a regiment in the British Army
Republic of Armenia
Rahmatullah Alaih (God's blessing be upon him); a suffix used by Muslims in reference to honored individuals
Royal Academy, the Royal Academy of Arts is an art institution based in London, England
Rear admiral, a rank in the Royal Navy
Any of a series of moraines, in parts of Norway, that are long ridges covered with stones
The Egyptian god of the sun
{i} radioactive metallic element (Chemistry)
The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus. The symbol for the element radium. range
This field indicates the telescope pointing direction, in degrees of right ascension, in the co-ordinate system described by header keywords RADESYS and EQUINOX
Regional Administrator
Radar Altimeter
Remittance Advice
Research Assistant
The abbreviation for the sound reduction index when the spectrum adaptation term C is applied to the single number weighted sound reduction index (RW) using pink noise as a sound source
A prefix, from the Latin re and ad combined, coming to us through the French and Italian
Research Assistantship
Risk Assessment, the study and estimation of risk from a current or proposed activity Involves estimates of the probability and consequence of an action
Right ascension of the source's centroid (J2000 coordinates)
Registration Authority An authority which determines those to whom certificates are to be issued An institution may act as both the RA and CA, or may offload the certificate generation function to a central JISC CA
( ra) - "Real Audio" file type from Real Networks Usually produced by any of Real Networks' proprietary software
Registration Authority
an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores
See Re-, and Ad-
"Registration authority"; an organization that sells/licenses domain names to the public, and keeps its database in sync with root name servers, e g InterNIC
A Registration Authority does not issue certificates, but does the required identification for certain certificate data
A roe; a deer
Residence Abroad RAM: Residence Abroad Matters RAPPORT: Residence Abroad Project @ PORTsmouth
Registration Authority, responsible for identifying and authenticating certificate subjects This involves associating a use with specific key material RAs work on behalf of the certificate authority, but do not sign or issue certificates
float Right ascension, 1950 0, in radians; units: rad Decfloat Declination, 1950 0, in radians; units: rad RAH_2000int RA, equinox, epoch J2000 0; units: h RAM_2000int RA, equinox, epoch J2000 0; units: min RAS_2000real RA, equinox, epoch J2000 0; units: s PM_RA_2000float proper motion in RA J2000 0; units: s/yr DecSign_2000char Dec, equinox, epoch J2000 0 DecD_2000int Dec, equinox, epoch J2000 0; units: deg DecM_2000int Dec, equinox, epoch J2000 0; units: arcmin DecS_2000real Dec, equinox, epoch J2000 0; units: arcsec PM_Dec_2000real proper motion in Dec J2000 0; units: arcsec/yr RA_2000float Right ascension, J2000 0, in radians; units: rad Dec_2000float J2000 0, in radians; units: rad Go back to main index webmaster@ucolick org A Service of the Computing Support Group UCO/Lick Observatory University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Tel: +1 408 459 2630 Fax: +1 408 454 9863
"Real Audio" file type from Real Networks Usually produced by any of Real Networks' proprietary software
ancient hawk-headed Egyptian sun god; a universal creator
Ra, in Egyptian mythology, sun god with a human body and the head of a hawk Considered the creator and controller of the universe, his chief symbols were the sun disk and the obelisk The worship of Ra became widespread during the Old Kingdom in Egypt Ra's chief temple was in Heliopolis, which became an important center when the cult was adopted as a state religion
In each hall, upperclassmen serve as resident assistants They offer discussion and advice to other students
The sun god, the supreme god/creator Could appear in the form of any other god, but distinguished in any form by the sun disc on his head
(astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second; used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere; "one hour of right ascension equals fifteen degrees"
Remote Access
Turkish - English
(Kimya) symbol of radium