poverty alleviation

listen to the pronunciation of poverty alleviation
Englisch - Türkisch
fakirliğin giderilmesi
fakirlikliğin azaltılması
Yosullukla mücadele, yoksullukla mücadele yoluyla yoksulluğun azaltılması

In general terms of the objectives of IFIs(International Finance Foundations) have always been poverty alleviation,economic growth and protection of the environment.

Englisch - Englisch
Poverty reduction (or poverty alleviation) is any process which seeks to reduce the level of poverty in a community, or amongst a group of people or countries
poverty alleviation


    po·ver·ty al·le·vi·a·tion

    Türkische aussprache

    pävırti ılivieyşın


    /ˈpävərtē əˌlēvēˈāsʜən/ /ˈpɑːvɜrtiː əˌliːviːˈeɪʃən/