
listen to the pronunciation of om
Türkisch - Englisch
rounded end (resembling the head of a bone)
head (of a bone)
Englisch - Englisch
my husband, my boyfriend, my father (Internet abbreviation)
primal sound; sound or vibration from which the entire universe emanates
literally an abbreviation for "old man" in friendly reference to any radio operator; nowadays used to refer to any male person on the air
A mantram used in meditation Aum
A word symbolizing Brahma, the Creator God
outer marker
A sacred, mystical syllable used in prayer and meditation
According to the Vedas, the most sacred of all words, out of which emanated the universe The symbol of both the personal God and the Brahman or Absolute Om is regarded by Hindus as the greatest mantra being of incalculable spiritual potency
The sacred syllable Om Sri Venkatesaya Namah - Saluting the Lord by reciting His name
is a word used by Hindu yogis to represent a vibration which they say pervades the entire universe They believe this is the same sound as the one heard internally as a result of practicing yoga *
Organic Matter
Oman (in Internet addresses). A river, about 724 km (450 mi) long, of south-central Russia flowing westward to join the Irtysh River at Omsk. The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings. Order of Merit a special honour given to someone by the Queen of England. In Hinduism and other Indian religions, a sacred syllable considered the greatest of all mantras. The syllable om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m (in the Sanskrit language, the vowels a and u join to become o), which represent three important triads: earth, atmosphere, and heaven; the major Hindu gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; and the sacred Vedic scriptures, Rig, Yajur, and Sama (see Vedic religion). Thus om mystically embodies the essence of the universe. It is uttered at the beginning and end of Hindu prayers, chants, and meditation and is also freely used in Buddhist and Jain rituals
Outer Marker (glideslope)   An aural alert broadcast to pilots making them aware that they are at the farthest point of the approach to a runway
the sacred syllable that represents the Absolute Truth
the mantra or expressive sound symbol of the brahman in its four domains from the turiya to the external or material plane (i e the outward looking, the inward or subtle, and the superconscient causal - each letter A, U, M indicating one of these three in ascending order and the whole bringing out the fourth state, turiya); used as an initiating syllable pronounced as a benedictory prelude and sanction
Operational Messages
Outcome Measurement
sacred syllable used in meditation, which combines the spiritual energy of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
The most sacred word of the Vedas; also written Aum It is a symbol both of the Personal God and of the Absolute
The primal sound; the sound or vibration from which the entire universe emanates
among the Hindus an exclamation of assent, like Amen, then an invocation, and later a symbol of the trinity formed by Vishnu, Siva, and Brahma
1 AMOOFL for {older man}, i e , an elder It ties in well with amateur radio lingo, which uses OM for ``old man'', to refer to any male radio operator Because of the techno-electronic nature of both computers and the hobby of amateur radio, many hackers are also amateur radio operators, called ``hams'' in the USA and most other places 2 AMOOFL for ``old magazine''; a notation often found on house-to-house record slips to indicate that a {back issue} was left at the door of a {not-at-home}
Operations Manager
A mystic syllable or ejaculation used by Hindus and Buddhists in religious rites, orig
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for OMAN
Object Monitor
Orbital Maneuvering System — NASA terminology for orbital maneuvering rockets
System expansion for Mac OS that allows MIDI devices and Apple computers to communicate
within the ERASMUS programme, the action for Organisation of Students Mobility
On-Board Maintenance System
Operations Management Systems
Open Music System (formerly Opcode MIDI System) A real-time MIDI operating system for Macintosh applications (and slated to be integrated into Windows 95) OMS allows communication between different MIDI programs and hardware, so that, for example, a sequencer could interface with a librarian program to display synthesizer patch names -- rather than just numbers -- in the sequencer's editing windows
Organisation Mondiale de la Sant³, same as WHO
obstruction management system
plural of om
Operation and Maintenance Server (component of the iMSS Call Agent)
Office of Marine Safety
A scuba equipment manufacturer, Ocean Management Systems, that is known for supplying technical diving equipment
OMS (Oracle Management Server) is part of the OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) architecture OMS is the middle tier between OEM consoles and database servers
Abbreviation for optical multiplex section A section of a DWDM system that incorporates an optical add/drop multiplexer
Acronym for opportunity management system, a software tool to help manage sales opportunities as they flow through your structured selling methodology Most often associated with big-ticket, long sales cycle sales processes
Türkisch - Türkisch
Om, Hinduizm'de ve çoğu Hindistan'a özgü bazı başka inanç sistamlerinde tinsel ya da mistik etkisi olduğuna inanılan sözcüklerin (mantra) en kutsalı sayılan hece. Sanskrit dilinde birlikte o sesini veren a ve u ünlüleriyle m sesinden oluşur. Bu üç ses yeryüzü, gökyüzü ve gök katlarından oluşan üç dünyayı; Brahma, Vişnu ve Şiva'dan oluşan üç büyük Hindu tanrısını; Rig, Yacur ve Şama adlı üç kutsal veda metnini simgeler. Böylece Om hecesi gizemli biçimde bütün evrenin özünü temsil eder. Hindu ayinlerinde dua, ilahi ve meditasyonların başında ve sonunda söylenir. Belli bir kurala bağlı olmaksızın Budacı ve Caynacı ayinlerinde de kullanılır. Om hecesinin yazılı biçimi, 6. yy.dan sonraki yazma ve yazıt metinlerinin başını belirtmek için kullanılmıştır
Kemiklerin yuvarlak ucu
Bütün kutsal Hint metinlerinin başında ve sonunda yinelenen mistik hece
Kemiklerin toparlak ucu
Eski Hint düşüncesinde, yaratılışın ve evrenin bütün sırlarını içerdiğine inanılan kutsal hece
Elektrik direnç birimi
Elektrik direnç birimi, ohm
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) arazi çoklu birliği (contour multiunit)