nations that have a great deal of power in the world of international politics

listen to the pronunciation of nations that have a great deal of power in the world of international politics
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von nations that have a great deal of power in the world of international politics im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Great Powers
süper güçler
Englisch - Englisch
Great Powers
nations that have a great deal of power in the world of international politics


    nations that have a great deal of po·wer in the world of in·ter·na·tion·al pol·i·tics

    Türkische aussprache

    neyşınz dhıt häv ı greyt dil ıv pauır în dhi wırld ıv întırnäşınıl pälıtîks


    /ˈnāsʜənz ᴛʜət ˈhav ə ˈgrāt ˈdēl əv ˈpouər ən ᴛʜē ˈwərld əv ˌəntərˈnasʜənəl ˈpäləˌtəks/ /ˈneɪʃənz ðət ˈhæv ə ˈɡreɪt ˈdiːl əv ˈpaʊɜr ɪn ðiː ˈwɜrld əv ˌɪntɜrˈnæʃənəl ˈpɑːləˌtɪks/