
listen to the pronunciation of chiasma
Englisch - Türkisch
(Anatomi) çapraz (yunanca X harfi şeklinde) örn: chiasma opticum
(Diş Hekimliği) Çaprazlama; üstüste gelme
chiasma opticum
(Diş Hekimliği) Her iki göz sinirinin beyine girmeden önce birbiri içinden çapraz geçme yeri
Chiasma kelimesinin çoğulu. Eşlenmiş iki homolog kromozomun birbirine değdiği nokta
Englisch - Englisch
A crossing of two nerves, ligaments etc
The contact point between the two chromatids of a chromosome during meiosis
(also optic chiasma) Anatomy - the X-shaped structure formed at the point below the brain where the two optic nerves cross over each other
Biology - a point at which paired chromosomes remain in contact during the first metaphase of meiosis
{i} crossing, intersecting, point of intersection (Genetics, Anatomy)
A commissure; especially, the optic commissure, or crucial union of the optic nerves
The cytologically visible consequence of a reciprocal recombination event in meiosis, observable in the later stage of meiotic prophase Chiasmata hold homologous chromosomes together prior to anaphase of the first meiotic division
A cross-shaped structure formed during crossing-over and visible during the diplonema stage of meiosis
an intersection or crossing of two tracts in the form of the letter X
optic chiasma
the crossing of the optic nerves from the two eyes at the base of the brain
optic chiasma
A structure in the brain formed by the partial intersection or crossing of the optic nerve fibers on the underside of the hypothalamus. Also called optic chiasm





    () Modern Latin, from Ancient Greek χίασμα, from χίαζειν (“to mark with the letter chi”).