alacalı (at, kuş v.b.)

listen to the pronunciation of alacalı (at, kuş v.b.)
Türkisch - Englisch
{s} piebald
Spotted or blotched, especially of black and white
{a} diversified in color, particolored
Having spots and patches of black and white, or other colors; mottled; pied
having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"
A piebald animal has patches of black and white on it. a piebald pony. a piebald animal has black and white areas on its body (pie ( MAGPIE) + bald)
{i} horse with spots or patches, black and white horse
\PY-bald\, adjective: 1 Having spots and patches of black and white, or other colors; mottled 2 Mixed; composed of incongruous parts
It is an English term for body color of white with black patches
Party-coloured A corruption of pie-balled, speckled like a pie The words Ball, Dun, and Favel are frequently given as names to cows “Ball” means the cow with a mark on its face; “Dun” means the cow of a dun or brownish-yellow colour; and “Favel” means the bay cow (Ball, in Gaelic, means a mark; ballach, speckled )
English term for body color of white with black patches
{s} spotted or patched; having black and white spots or patches