a sudden moment of unreasonable anger and annoyance, a temper tantrum

listen to the pronunciation of a sudden moment of unreasonable anger and annoyance, a temper tantrum
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von a sudden moment of unreasonable anger and annoyance, a temper tantrum im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

hissy fit
Aniden gelen, kontrolsüz öfke patlaması
Englisch - Englisch
hissy fit

He’s not a major designer, so there’s no need to throw a hissy fit.

a sudden moment of unreasonable anger and annoyance, a temper tantrum


    a sud·den mo·ment of un·rea·son·a·ble an·ger and annoyance, a tem·per tan·trum

