
listen to the pronunciation of canada
İngilizce - Türkçe
(isim) Kanada

O Ben Kanada'dan geldim dedi. - He said, I'm from Canada.

ABD, Kanada ile komşudur. - The United States borders Canada.

canada balsam
kanada balsamı
canada goose
kanada kazı
canada balsam resin
kanada balzam reçinesi
ford of canada ford's canadian operations
canada ford's canadian operasyonlarının ford
of or relating to canada or its people
veya canada ya da kişi ile ilgili
province in eastern canada
doğu canada il
Chief of Defense Staff (Canada); container delivery system
(Askeri) Savunma Karargahı Başkanı (Kanada), Genelkurmay Başkanı (Bazı ülkelerde); Kutuyla Atma Sistemi
National Defence Headquarters, Canada
(Askeri) Kanada Milli Savunma Karargahı
releasable to Canada
(Askeri) Kanada'ya verilebilir
İngilizce - İngilizce
A country in North America; official name: Canada
Lower Canada or Upper Canada, often "the Canadas". Also Canada East or Canada West
{n} a province north of the U. States
Quebec. Country, North America. Bank of Canada Canada Act Canada Company Canada Day Canada East Lower Canada Canada goose Canada West Upper Canada Canada Bill Liberal Party of Canada National Film Board of Canada National Gallery of Canada Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Trans Canada Highway
{i} country in northern North America which is the second largest country in the world and occupies the majority of northern North America
A country in North America; official name : Canada
A British province in North America, giving its name to various plants and animals
a nation in northern North America; the French were the first Europeans to settle in mainland Canada; "the border between the United States and Canada is the longest unguarded border in the world"
n Kanada
Daniele Rondeau (Ukraine) Thenbe Kananga (Russia) Canadian International Development Agency Place du Centre Promenade du Portage, Hull Quebec KIA O64 Canada Tel: + 1 819 997 5456 Fax: + 1 819 953 5469
Contact: Jo MacKinnon, tel 416-441-2941 ext 2900, fax 416-441-0345; e-mail: mackinnj@oupcan com
Canada Day
A Canadian statutory holiday celebrating the country's creation in 1867, celebrated each year on July 1st
Canada Dry
a brand of ginger ale
Canada balsam
A turpentine made from the resin of the balsam fir tree
Canada geese
plural form of Canada goose
Canada goose
A large goose, Branta canadensis
Canada jay
The gray jay, Perisoreus canadensis
Canada jays
plural form of Canada jay
Canada thistle
Corn thistle''
Canada thistles
plural form of Canada thistle
Canada Act
or Constitution Act Measure formally ending British power to legislate for Canada, approved by the British Parliament on March 25, 1982, and proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth II on April 17, 1982. The document contains the British North America Act and was approved by all the Canadian provinces except Quebec, which was denied its claim of a constitutional veto by Canada's Supreme Court
Canada Company
Organization instrumental in colonizing much of the western part of Upper Canada (now Ontario). The company was formed in 1824 to bring settlers to the region. It was directed until 1829 by John Galt (1779-1839), founder of Guelph and father of Alexander Galt. Though the company, chartered with 2.5 million acres, was criticized as a monopoly, it continued to exist until the 1950s
Canada Day
formerly Dominion Day Annual Canadian holiday. Observed on July 1, it commemorates the formation of the Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1867. With the 1982 passage of the Canada Act, its name was officially changed to Canada Day. It is celebrated with parades, fireworks, flag display, and the singing of the national anthem, "O Canada
Canada East
or Lower Canada Region of Canada now known as Quebec. In 1791-1841 it was known as Lower Canada and in 1841-67 as Canada East. Populated mainly by French settlers who wanted to preserve their distinctive identity and cultural traditions, it was reluctant to join the proposed confederation with Canada West. It finally agreed to confederation in 1867, providing that it would remain a territorial and governmental unit in which French Canadians would have an electoral majority
Canada West
or Upper Canada Region of Canada now known as Ontario. In 1791-1841 it was known as Upper Canada and in 1841-67 as Canada West. Settled primarily by English-speaking immigrants, it sought confederation with Canada East in order to secure the unified government needed for effective administration and the construction of intercolonial railways. The unified Dominion of Canada was made official by the British North America Act of 1867
Canada balsam
A viscous, yellowish, transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides
Canada goose
A common wild goose (Branta canadensis) of North America, having grayish plumage, a black neck and head, and a white throat patch. Brown-backed, light-breasted goose (Branta canadensis) with black head and neck and white cheeks. Subspecies vary in size, from the 3-lb (1.4-kg) cackling goose to the 20-lb (8-kg) giant Canada goose, which has a wingspread of up to 6.5 ft (2 m). Canada geese breed across Canada and Alaska and winter mainly in the southern U.S. and Mexico; they have been introduced into England and other countries. They are an important game bird. Their almost incessant honking draws attention to their V-formations during migrations. In recent years their population in North America has greatly increased
Canada thistle
A perennial herb (Cirsium arvense) in the composite family, native to Europe and naturalized as a noxious weed in North America, having spiny-margined leaves and rose-purple or sometimes white flower heads
canada anemone
common summer-flowering woodland herb of Labrador to Colorado
canada balsam
yellow transparent exudate of the balsam fir; used as a transparent cement in optical devices (especially in microscopy) and as a mounting medium
canada garlic
North American bulbous plant
canada ginger
deciduous low-growing perennial of Canada and eastern and central United States
canada jay
gray jay of northern North America with black-capped head and no crest; noted for boldness in thievery
canada lily
common lily of the eastern United States having nodding yellow or reddish flowers spotted with brown
canada lynx
of northern North America
canada pension plan
A plan that primarily provides retirement income and long-term disability income benefits to residents of Canadian provinces other than Quebec
canada pension plan
A Canadian federally operated (except in Quebec) Social Security plan Provides a monthly pension, usually from age 65, for contributors to the plan With few exceptions, all persons between ages 18 and 70 are covered Employees and employers each pay a percentage of earnings into the plan Contributions are deductible and benefits reportable for income tax purposes
canada pension plan
A national, mandatory, earnings-related pension plan introduced on January 1, 1966 for working Canadians (except in Quebec) between the ages of 18 and 70
canada pension plan
The Canada Pension Plan is Canada's government and user-financed pension plan Every working Canadian contributes to the plan - whether by payroll deductions at work or, for those who are self-employed, directly via the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency The goal of the CPP - along with Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement - is to provide retired Canadians with a minimum level of retirement income
canada pension plan
The Canada Pension Plan is a government program providing retirement, death and disability benefits for Canadians Along with OAS, it makes up one leg of the retirement planning stool Working individuals make contributions (2 7% of pay between $3,400 and $34,900 in 1995) which are matched by employers In turn at retirement recipients receive a benefit of 25% of average monthly pensionable earnings adjusted for increases in the YMPE CPP contribution rates are scheduled to double over the next 20 years There is uncertainty as to whether those employed will be willing to pay these high contribution rates The future of CPP benefits may be in jeopardy
canada pension plan
The federal pension plan administered by Human Resources Development Canada It applies in all provinces and territories of Canada except Quebec
canada pension plan
– The Canada Pension Plan is Canada's joint government and user-financed pension plan Each working Canadian will contribute to the plan in the form of either payroll deductions or for the self-employed, directly via CCRA The goal of the CPP – along with Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement – is to provide retired Canadians with a minimum level of retirement income
canada plum
small tree native to northeastern North America having oblong orange-red fruit
canada porcupine
porcupine of northeastern North America with barbed spines concealed in the coarse fur; often gnaws buildings for salt and grease
canada thistle
European thistle naturalized in United States and Canada where it is a pernicious weed
canada violet
tall North American perennial with heart-shaped leaves and purple-streaked white flowers
canada wild rye
North American wild rye
Atlantic Canada
The Atlantic provinces
north of the border
Hollywood North
Central Canada
The Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario
Communications Security Establishment Canada
Communications Security Establishment
French Canada
Collectively, French Canadians
Lower Canada
A former British colony located in what is now Labrador and southern Québec
O Canada
The national anthem of Canada
Upper Canada
A former British colony located in what is now southern Ontario
Western Canada
The Western provinces of Canada
balsam Canada
Alternative form of Canada balsam
blame Canada
A catch phrase for shifting attention away from a serious social issue by laying responsibility with Canada

We surely can't blame Canada. Nike, we suspect, is where we must point the finger for what has become the somewhat too familiar norm in television advertising put forth by major global sporting goods brands.

Bank of Canada
Canada's central bank, established under the Bank of Canada Act (1934). It was founded during the Great Depression to regulate credit and currency. The Bank acts as the Canadian government's fiscal agent and has the sole right to issue paper money. It is directed by the Canadian Ministry of Finance; all profits go to the Receiver General of Canada
Liberal Party of Canada
One of the two major Canadian political parties. It originated in two reformist opposition groups, Rouges and Clear Grits, that emerged in the mid-19th century in what are now the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, respectively. The first Liberal government was headed by Alexander Mackenzie (1873-78). The party regained power under Wilfred Laurier (1896-1911) and was the ruling party for much of the 20th century under such prime ministers as W.L. Mackenzie King, Louis Saint Laurent, Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau, and Jean Chrétien. Like the Conservative Party (later the Progressive Conservative Party), the Liberal Party comprises diverse regional, ethnic, religious, and class interests
Lower Canada
The southern, mainly French-speaking portion of Quebec, Canada, from 1791 until 1841, when it was reunited with Upper Quebec to form the present-day province of Quebec
National Film Board of Canada
Canadian department of film production. It was established in 1939 and directed by John Grierson (1898-1972), who developed the studio into a leading producer of documentaries, including the World War II propaganda films Canada Carries On and The World in Action. The studio also made high-quality animated movies by Norman McLaren (1914-87) and others, and it later expanded to produce feature films, including The Luck of Ginger Coffey (1964), The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974), and The Company of Strangers (1990)
National Gallery of Canada
National art museum founded in Ottawa in 1880. Its holdings include extensive collections of Canadian art as well as important European works. Its nucleus was formed with the donation of diploma works by members of the Royal Canadian Academy. In 1911 the drawing collection was formed (1913-24) with important works by Albrecht Dürer and Rembrandt, and the photography collection was begun in 1967. A new building opened in 1988; the Canadian Centre for the Visual Arts opened in 1991 and a multimedia learning centre in 1996. The museum circulates several hundred exhibitions to other cities throughout the country each year
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
Former Canadian political party. It was formed as the Liberal-Conservative Party in 1854 from a union of conservative and moderate-liberal political factions; except for a period during and after World War I, the party kept this name until 1942, when it adopted the name Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Its first leader was John Macdonald. The party led the government from 1854 to 1873 and again from 1878 to 1896. It regained power in coalition with the Quebec nationalists in 1911 but went down to severe defeat in 1921. From then until 1957 the party held power only twice, briefly in 1926 and from 1930 to 1935. The party held power from 1958 to 1963 under John G. Diefenbaker, from 1979 to 1980 under Joe Clark, and from 1984 to 1989 under Brian Mulroney. In 1993 it was reduced to only two seats in the Canadian House of Commons. In 2003 the Progressive Conservative Party merged with the Canadian Alliance to form the Conservative Party of Canada. The party favoured reducing government intervention in both the economy and social affairs; strongly federalist, it also was less accommodating than other parties to Quebec separatism
Trans-Canada Highway
World's longest national road, extending east-west for 4,860 mi (7,821 km) between Victoria, British Columbia, and St. John's, Newfoundland. Completed in 1965, it links many major Canadian cities and provides access to important national and provincial parks
Upper Canada
A historical region and province of British North America. Roughly coextensive with southern Ontario, Canada, it was formed in 1791 and joined Lower Canada in 1841
criminal intelligence services of canada
an agency of the Canadian government that unifies the intelligence units of Canadian law enforcement agencies
department of justice canada
an agency of the Canadian government that provides litigation and legal advice and opinions to the government