beyhude yere mücadele etmek

listen to the pronunciation of beyhude yere mücadele etmek
Türkçe - İngilizce
to foil or frustrate
A flat board or plate, deflector, guide, or similar device constructed or placed in flowing water or slurry systems to cause more uniform flow velocities to absorb energy and to divert, guide, or agitate liquids
A device used to restrain or regulate, e.g. sound, light, gas, or a fluid
To practice deceit
To cause to undergo a disgraceful punishment, as a recreant knight
Barriers to provide some acoustical isolation between microphones assigned to specific instruments in a musical group (aka Gobo)
{i} instrument that regulates flow; board that regulates flow
To check by shifts and turns; to elude; to foil
A panel or other surface whose purpose is to prevent the transmission of sound Also: a panel or other surface in a loudspeaker system that reduces interference between sound radiated from the front and rear of the speaker driver by increasing the path length from front to back Also: "to stupefy "
A flat board or plate, deflector, guide, or simiolar device constructed or placed in flowing water or slurry systems to cause more uniform flow velocities to absorb energy and to divert, guide, or agitate liquids
A lever for operating the throttle valve of a winding engine
a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy check the emission of (sound)
a single opaque or translucent element to shield a source from direct view at certain angles, or to absorb unwanted light
A grating or plate across a channel or pipe conveying water, gas, or the like, by which the flow is rendered more uniform in different parts of the cross section of the stream; used in measuring the rate of flow, as by means of a weir
- A material inside a water mattress that helps restrict the motion
A moveable barrier used to achieve separation of signals from different sources The surface or board upon which a loudspeaker is mounted
A device to prevent direct fluid flow or impingement on a surface
Totally bewilder; confuse or perplex
If something baffles you, you cannot understand it or explain it. An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts. = puzzle + baffling baf·fling I was constantly ill, with a baffling array of symptoms. + baffled baf·fled Police are baffled by the murder. if something baffles you, you cannot understand or explain it at all (Probably from bawchill ). a board, sheet of metal etc that controls the flow of air, water, or sound into or out of something
A flat board or plate, deflector, guide or similar device constructed or placed in flowing water or slurry systems to cause more uniform flow velocities, to absorb energy, and to divert, guide, or agitate liquids