
listen to the pronunciation of pentametre
التركية - الإنجليزية
A line in a poem having five metrical feet
Poetic metre in which each line has five feet
{n} a verse consisting of five feet
in prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet
{i} line containing five feet (Poetry)
line of verse containing five stressed syllables
A line consisting of five feet Q R S
In literary criticism, a pentameter is a line of poetry that has five strong beats in it. a line of poetry with five beats, or the beat of a poem like this iambic pentameter
A line of poetry that has five metrical feet
five feet; sometimes termed pentapody, a five-part foot, one measure made up of five feet Iambic pentameter or cinquepace is the rhythm of so-called English `heroic' verse of ten syllables
Having five metrical feet
- A line of verse consisting of five metrical feet
Poetry that consists of five feet Each foot has a set number of syllables See meter
a poetic metre in which each line has five feet
a verse line having five metrical feet
A verse of five feet