by way of history, regularly

listen to the pronunciation of by way of history, regularly
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف by way of history, regularly في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

by way of
by way of
yolu ile
by way of
den geçerek
by way of
by way of
-den geçerek
tarihsel olarak

Ressamlar tarihsel olarak kurşun boya gibi zehirli maddelere maruz kalmışlardır. - Artists historically have been exposed to toxic substances such as lead paint.

Tarihsel olarak, Basra körfezi İran'a aittir. - Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran.

z. tarihe göre
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
{a} historically
by way of
Possessing the characteristics, nature, or standing of

From what you tell me, he's by way of being the brains of the family..

by way of
For the purpose of; as a means or instance of

Why they hesitated I never could tell, unless they did it by way of a joke.

by way of
By the route of; through; via

I always go over the wall, by way of the plum tree, said Matilda.

by way of
by means of, as; through, by, via
by way of history, regularly