(ay) gittikçe küçülmek

listen to the pronunciation of (ay) gittikçe küçülmek
التركية - الإنجليزية
Said of light that dims or diminishes in strength

The skies may hold not the splendour of sundown fast; / It wanes into twilight as dawn dies down into day.

To cause to decrease

Proud once and princely was the mansion, ere a succession of spendthrifts waned away its splendour.

A gradual diminution in power, value, intensity etc

His influence which was on the wane during the reign of Joseph II grew still less during the reign of Leopold II (1790-2).

{v} to grow less
{n} a decrease or decline
to diminish in size and brilliancy
a child : also wain,waine
become smaller; "Interest in his novels waned
The bark or lack of wood from any cause on the face of a piece
To decline; to fail; to sink
If something is on the wane, it is becoming weaker or less. In 1982, with his career prospects on the wane, he sold a script for £5,000. = diminishing
To be diminished; to decrease; contrasted with wax, and especially applied to the illuminated part of the moon
When the moon is waning, it is showing a smaller area of brightness each day as it changes from a full moon to a new moon. The moon was waning, and each day it rose later. on the wane becoming smaller, weaker, or less important
The original rounded surface of a log, with or without bark, on any face or edge of sawn timber
Bark, or the lack of wood from any cause, on any edge of a piece of square-edged lumber
An inequality in a board
The natural curvature of a log or of the edge of a board sawed from a log
The decrease of the illuminated part of the moon to the eye of a spectator
the waning moon; refers to that portion of the lunar revolution between full and new
To be diminished; to decrease; -- contrasted with wax, and especially applied to the illuminated part of the moon