aşırı resmilik

listen to the pronunciation of aşırı resmilik
Türkçe - İngilizce
{n} ceremony, exactness, nicety
strict observance of formalities a fine point of etiquette or petty formality
A nice point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or proceeding; particularity or exactness in forms; as, the punctilios of a public ceremony
a fine point of etiquette or petty formality
A fine point in exactness of conduct, ceremony or procedure. Strictness in observance of formalities
strict observance of formalities
{i} exactingness concerning details, strictness regarding trivial issues
aşırı resmi

That president's secretary is always prim. - O başkanın sekreteri her zaman aşırı resmîdir.

aşırı resmi
niminy piminy
aşırı resmi