
listen to the pronunciation of handy
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bu ifade kullanışlı olabilir. - This phrase might come in handy.

Bu kullanışlı küçük bir kutu. - This is a handy little box.

{s} yararlı

Bir bıçağın yararlı olabileceği bazı durumları düşünebiliyorum. - I can think of some situations in which a knife would come in handy.

Cebinde küçük bir el fenerine sahip olman yararlı olabilir. - Having a small flashlight in your pocket may come in handy.

{s} pratik
{s} el altında

El altında ekstra birkaç bataryaya sahip olmak asla kötü bir fikir değil. - Having a few extra batteries handy is never a bad idea.

Yangın olursa diye el altında her zaman bir kova su bulundur. - Always keep a bucket of water handy, in case of fire.

kolay kullanımlı
el becerisi olan

Tom bizim hünerli işçimizdi. - Tom used to be our handyman.

eli işe yatkın
{s} işe yarayan
{s} elverişli, kullanışlı
elverişli olarak
handily kolay bir şekilde
{s} eli işe yatkın, becerikli, marifetli, usta
handy candy
Çubuklu şeker
handy atlas
kullanışlı atlas
handy dandy
kullanışlı züppe
be handy
kullanışlı olabilir
to come in handy
faydalı olmak için
come in handy
yararı dokunmak
come in handy
kullanışlı olmak
come in handy
(deyim) yararlanilabilir./işe yaramak
come in handy
işe yaramak
come in handy
yararlı bir hal almak
come in handy
(deyim) (ileride) faydalı olmak
come in handy
faydalı olmak
z. kolayca, elverişli bir şekilde
usta/kullanışlı şekilde
{i} fayda
{i} ustalık
{i} el yatkınlığı
keep handy
keep smth. handy
el altında bulundurmak
İngilizce - İngilizce
dexterous, skilful

She's very handy - she made all her own kitchen cupboards.

Nearby, within reach

You wouldn’t have a screwdriver handy, would you?.

Easy to use, useful

Some people regard duct tape as a handy fix-all.

{a} ready, dexterous, skilful, convenient
easy to use; "a handy gadget"
In a handy manner; skillfully; conveniently
Ready to the hand; near; also, suited to the use of the hand; convenient; valuable for reference or use; as, my tools are handy; a handy volume
easy to reach; "found a handy spot for the can opener"
A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face or hands
skillful with the hands; "handy with an axe"
United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958) skillful with the hands; "handy with an axe"
United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958) skillful with the hands; "handy with an axe" easy to use; "a handy gadget" A man who earns his living by handicraft; a handicraftsman
Performed by the hand
The quality or state of being handy
Skillful in using the hand; dexterous; ready; adroit
Work done by the hands; hence, any work done personally
A man who earns his living by handicraft; a handicraftsman
A thing or place that is handy is nearby and therefore easy to get or reach. It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy
{s} useful; convenient; close; skilled
A handkerchief
Easily managed; obedient to the helm; said of a vessel
United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958)
If something comes in handy, it is useful in a particular situation. The $20 check came in very handy
A man skilled or employed in handcraft
To touch; to feel with the hand; to use or h
A piece of cloth shaped like a handkerchief to be worn about the neck; a neckerchief; a neckcloth
Something that is handy is useful. Credit cards can be handy -- they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash
Someone who is handy with a particular tool is skilful at using it. If you're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with giant daisies
handy dandy
Handy; helpful or useful, as due to some clever trick or design

She always comes up with great ideas for handy dandy new tools.

Variant spelling of handy dandy
handy man
man hired to do various small repairs or construction work
come in handy
To be useful or helpful, especially at some time in the future

Even though he doesn't really know how to use them, he keeps the tools around, figuring they might come in handy someday.

In a handy manner; skillfully; conveniently(chiefly U.S. usage)
{a} in a handy manner, skilfully
W C Handy
born Nov. 16, 1873, Florence, Ala., U.S. died March 28, 1958, New York, N.Y. U.S. composer, cornetist, and bandleader known for integrating blues elements into ragtime, changing the course of popular music. Handy worked as a soloist and conductor with several bands around the turn of the century and became active as a music publisher in Memphis (1908) and later New York (1918). Handy's compositions, including "St. Louis Blues," "Beale Street Blues," and "Memphis Blues," became favourites of singers and instrumentalists in the 1920s, helping to codify the blues as a framework within which to improvise
W.C. Handy
a US jazz musician and writer of jazz songs, thought to be the first person to write blues music. His most famous song is St Louis Blues (1873-1958)
William Christopher Handy
born Nov. 16, 1873, Florence, Ala., U.S. died March 28, 1958, New York, N.Y. U.S. composer, cornetist, and bandleader known for integrating blues elements into ragtime, changing the course of popular music. Handy worked as a soloist and conductor with several bands around the turn of the century and became active as a music publisher in Memphis (1908) and later New York (1918). Handy's compositions, including "St. Louis Blues," "Beale Street Blues," and "Memphis Blues," became favourites of singers and instrumentalists in the 1920s, helping to codify the blues as a framework within which to improvise
come in handy
be useful, serve a purpose
come in handy
be useful for a certain purpose
A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face or hands
A man who earns his living by handicraft; a handicraftsman
skillfully, expertly; conveniently; easily, without difficulty
Work done by the hands; hence, any work done personally
with no difficulty; "she beat him handily" in a convenient manner; "the switch was conveniently located" A man who earns his living by handicraft; a handicraftsman
In a handy manner; skillfully; conveniently
A handkerchief
The quality or state of being handy
A piece of cloth shaped like a handkerchief to be worn about the neck; a neckerchief; a neckcloth
A man skilled or employed in handcraft
with no difficulty; "she beat him handily"
To touch; to feel with the hand; to use or h
in a convenient manner; "the switch was conveniently located"
In a handy manner; skillfully; conveniently
A man skilled or employed in handcraft
the quality of being at hand when needed
A piece of cloth, usually square and often fine and elegant, carried for wiping the face or hands
the quality of being at hand when needed A man who earns his living by handicraft; a handicraftsman
The quality or state of being handy
A handkerchief
Work done by the hands; hence, any work done personally
A piece of cloth shaped like a handkerchief to be worn about the neck; a neckerchief; a neckcloth
{i} dexterity, skillfulness; usefulness
To touch; to feel with the hand; to use or h