tahmin edilmemiş unsur

listen to the pronunciation of tahmin edilmemiş unsur
Türkisch - Englisch
wild card
A competitor or team that is allowed to compete in a tournament despite not reaching the normal standards to qualify for inclusion

Kye Sun-Hui won an Olympic gold medal in Judo, despite being a wild card.

In card games, a card that can be assigned any value or used to substitute for any needed card
a character that substitutes for other characters in regular expressions and globbing
In a query, a symbol that replaces a portion of a word to indicate that other word constructions are applicable
A symbol that substitutes for a single character (?) or a series of characters (*) You can use wild cards to search for words or phrases that are similar
A character that can be used in a field specification to match on any other character in a specific position (%,)
Games that use a wild card are called wild card games A wild card is a card that can serve as any other card in making your hand
a playing card whose value can be determined by the person who holds it
generic character, character which symbolizes every possible character that could be in its place in identification of file names
An investment that carries no limit, legal or otherwise, as to the yield or return (in other words, there are no regulations as to the yield of a bank's Certificate of Deposit they can issue the CD at whatever rate they desire)
Used as a short cut for specifying all possible elements The asterisk (*) is recognized in most computing systems as the wild card character For example, entering a directory command to search for f* would return all files that begin with f Can be u sed to search for extensions and version numbers as well
a team that makes the NFL playoffs by having one of the 3 best records among non-division winners in its conference
A character in a pattern that may match against any character in a target string Some wild card characters may match against many target string characters
previously defined – NOTE: they may be very positive, very negative, or mixed in effects and impacts
symbols that take the place of letters in Boolean searching One example is that you can type the character "+" between two keywords or subject terms instead of the word "and "
A wildcard is a symbol such as * or ? which is used in some computing commands or searches in order to represent any character or range of characters
If you refer to someone or something as a wild card in a particular situation, you mean that they cause uncertainty because you do not know how they will behave. The wild card in the picture is eastern Europe
A symbol used in searching to represent one or more letters It is most often used to find plurals and other variants of words Commonly used symbols include "?" "*" and "+" See also truncation
A card that can be played as any value
A team that has been given a play-off spot because it has the best record among the teams that have not won a division