
listen to the pronunciation of day%c4%b1
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف day%c4%b1 في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

day and night
gece gündüz

Gece gündüz onu düşünüyorum. - I think of her day and night.

Onlar gece gündüz çok çalıştılar. - They worked hard day and night.

day care
günlük bakım

Tom günlük bakımda kızını aldı. - Tom picked up his daughter at day care.

Tom günlük bakımda Mary'yi düşürdü. - Tom dropped Mary at day care.

day off

Bir günlük izin alabilir miyim? - Do you mind if I take a day off?

Ofisin yarısı izin aldı. - Half the office took a day off.

day room
(isim) dinlenme salonu
day to day
günden güne

Fiyatlar günden güne yükseliyor. - Prices raise from day to day.

Hastanın durumu günden güne değişiyor. - The patient's condition changes from day to day.

day and night
akşam sabah
day off
izin günü

Yarın onun izin günü. - Tomorrow is her day off.

Yarın benim izin günüm. - Tomorrow's my day off.

day view
(Bilgisayar) gün görünümü

İyi günler, nasılsın? - Good day, how are you?

Roma bir gün içinde kurulmamıştır. - Rome was not built in a day.


Bu çağda elektriksiz bir hayat düşünülemez. - In this day and age, life without electricity is unimaginable.

Geçen gün ondan bir çağrı aldım. - The other day, I got a call from her.

çalışma süresi
başarı/ün yılları

Tom bu ay gündüz vardiyasında. - Tom is on the day shift this month.

Gündüzler gittikçe daha çok ısınıyor. - The days are getting warmer and warmer.

parlak günler

Zamana ayak uydurabileyim diye her gün gazete okurum. - I read a newspaper every day so that I may keep up with the time.

Zamanın gerisinde kalmayayım diye her gün gazete okumayı bir alışkanlık haline getirdim. - I make it a rule to read the newspaper every day lest I should fall behind the times.

day after day

Sürekli yağmur yağdı. - It rained day after day.

day after day
day after day
günden güne

Hava günden güne ılıyor. - It becomes warmer day after day.

Ken günden güne yüzmeye gider. - Ken goes swimming day after day.

day airglow
gün aydınlığı
day and night
sabah akşam
day book
day by day
day by day
günden güne

Hava günden güne soğuyor. - It is getting colder day by day.

Günden güne hava soğuyor. - It's getting cooler day by day.

day care center
günlük bakım merkezi
day drift
aydınlık bacası
day in and day out
day in day out
her Allahın günü
day in day out
day in day out
day labor
gündelik iş
day laborer
day letter
adi telgraf
day loan
günlük kredi
day nursery
day of application
başvuru tarihi
day of death
ölüm günü
day of judgment
kıyamet günü
day of payment
ödeme günü
day of reckoning
hesap günü
day of reckoning
kıyamet günü
day of remembrance
günün anısı
day off
günün sonu
day order
günlük sipariş
day out
her gün

Tom her gün aynı yemeği yer. - Tom eats the same food day in and day out.

O her gün Minecraft oynar. - He plays Minecraft day in, day out.

day school
gündüz okulu
day school
gündüzlü okul
day shift
gündüz vardiyası

Tom bu ay gündüz vardiyasında. - Tom is on the day shift this month.

day shift
gündüz postası
day student
gündüzlü öğrenci
day's wage

Hayatın günlük rutininden usandım. - I am tired of the day-to-day routine of life.

her günkü
day-to-day market
günlük para piyasası
day-to-day money
günlük ödenen para
day a
day before
gün önce
day before yesterday
evvelsi gün
day book
gün kitap
day camp
gün kamp
day care center
Çalışan ailelerin günlük bakım için çocuklarını bıraktıkları bakım merkezi, kreş
day dream
gün rüya
day job
günlük iş
day laborer
Günlük işçi
day labourer
gün işçi
day light
gün ışığı
day lily
gün zambak
day long
Gün boyu
day maid
gün hizmetçi
day of dead
ölülerin günü
day of judgement
karar günü
day of the week
haftanın günü
day on
Çalışma günü, iş günü
day one
day out
gün dışarı
day pass
gün geçmek
day release
gün serbest
day sleeper
gün travers
day trip
günlük gezi
day wear
gün giymek
Gündüz bakımı, gün içinde yapılan bakım
Düşük fiyatlı bir günlük gidiş-dönüş bileti
day after day
günler sonra
day after day
her gün, günlerce
day in day out
her gün
day to day
her günkü
day to day
day to day money
day to day money
day to day pronouncemenets
günü gününe açıklama
from day to day
gün be gün
from day to day
from day to day
günden güne
Valentine´s Day/St. Valentine´s Day
(on dört şubata rastlayan) Sevgililer Günü
following day, next-day
ertesi gün, ertesi gün
all day and every day
(deyim) hic bir degisiklik olmadan,devamli olarak
mobilization day (unnamed day on which mobilization of forces begins)
(Askeri) seferberlik günü (kuvvetlerin seferberliğinin başladığı adlandırılmamış gün)
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف day%c4%b1 في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

A patronymic surname derived from a medieval diminutive of David. at Ancestor Search
An English surname from day as a word for a "day-servant", an archaic term for a day-laborer.Ernest Weekley, The Romance of Words (1927), p. 165. ,or from given names such as Dagr, Daug, Dege, and Dey, cognate with Scandinavian Dag.Susa Young Gates, Surname Book and Racial History (1918) p. 289
A Mbum-Day language of Chad
An Irish surname anglicised from Ó Deághaidh (“descendant of a person named Good Luck”)
Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur
A luminous paint that glows in a variety of brilliant colours though most commonly red or orange; used especially for outdoor advertising
dawn of a new day
A new beginning; a fresh start; an important, promising turning point

It’s the dawn of a new day—a new era, even—for the Queens Chamber of Commerce.

Rotational period of a planet (especially earth)
The part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc
A period of 24 hours
Part of a day period between sunrise and sunset where one enjoys daylight, daytime
The period from midnight to the following midnight. There are 7 days in a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
day after tomorrow
day and age
A time period of years or more
day and night
Opposite; completely different
day and night
all the time; round the clock; unceasingly
day bed
Alternative spelling of daybed. A bed or sofa used specially for daytime
day beds
plural form of day bed
day before yesterday
day blindness
The inability to see clearly in bright light; hemeralopia
day boy
A male day pupil
day boys
plural form of day boy
day care center
A nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work. Generally more entertaining and less educational than a preschool, but with longer hours of operation
day count convention
A convention on how interest accrues over time for a variety of investments, including bonds, notes, loans, medium-term notes, swaps, and FRAs
day for night
In the daytime, with a blue filter, causing the scene to look as if it were shot in moonlight

The Sandcrawler scene in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was shot day for night.

day for night
A cinematographic technique in which a crew films in a high-contrast situation, typically in the early morning or late afternoon, with a blue filter, causing the scene to look as if it were shot in moonlight
day in the sun
A time of glory or ascendancy
day in, day out
Every day; daily; constantly or continuously; especially, of something that has become routine or monotonous

Even if you like peanut butter sandwiches, eating the same sandwiches day in, day out will get old.

day job
One's main mean of income, during the daytime
day labor
Work done where the worker is hired and paid one day at a time, with no promise that more work will be available in the future
day laborer
A laborer who is is hired and paid one day at a time, with no promise that more work will be available in the future
day laborers
plural form of day laborer
day late, dollar short
Shortened form of a day late and a dollar short
day of reckoning
is the final and eternal judgment by God of all nations
day of reckoning
Any time or event at which responsibility will be assigned
day off
a day of vacation; a day when one does not attend work, school etc

Tuesday is my day off.

day one
The very beginning

I've been with this project since day one.

day out
An excursion, returning home on the same day

A visit to the Science Museum in London will be a day out to remember.

day packs
plural form of day pack
day pupil
a student who attends a boarding school but does not board there, continuing to live at home
day pupils
plural form of day pupil
day rooms
plural form of day room
day shift
Regularly scheduled work during daylight hours, especially 8AM to 4PM
day sign
Any of 20 glyphs used, along with a number from 1 to 13, in traditional Mesoamerican calendars to identify their 260 days
day signs
plural form of day sign
day trips
plural form of day trip
day-after recall test
A method of advertising research measuring the percentage of people who remember seeing an advertisement the day after it was shown on television

The day-after recall test is one of the original forms of advertising research but few people still use it because the data and analysis is limited.

Unable to see clearly in bright light; hemeralopic
a limited overs cricket match that starts in the afternoon and continues into the evening under floodlights
Ordinary, monotonous routine; that which is usual or mundane

People come here to escape the day-to-day.

On a daily basis

The cost of gasoline is determined day-to-day.

Ordinary or mundane

One has to deal with the day-to-day chores.

Subject to daily redetermination

He has an ankle sprain and his status is day-to-day.

Happening every day

I would like to know about the day-to-day workings of the business.

Someone who takes a day trip
a day-laborer
{n} time from sunrise to its setting, 24 hours
Day of the Dead
November 1 and November 2 collectively, celebrated concurrently with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day in Mexico and parts of Central America in commemoration of the dead. Also called Día de los Muertos
day book
The daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station; (synonym) blotter, police blotter, rap sheet, charge sheet
day care
Day care or child care is care of a child during the day by a person other than the child's parents or legal guardians, typically someone outside the child's immediate family. The service is known as child care in the United Kingdom and Australia and day care in America. Child care or day care is provided in nurseries or creches or by childminders caring for children in their own homes
day return
A ticket at a reduced rate for a return journey on public transport in one day
day-care centre
(also day centre) A place providing care and recreation facilities for those who cannot be fully independent
A reduced fare for a journey (by train, etc.) travelling both ways in one day
One who takes a trip during the day without an overnight stop
day after day
for an indefinite number of successive days
day after day
every day, each day
day after day and year after year
endlessly, without pause
day by day
each day, every day
day by day
gradually and progressively; "his health weakened day by day"
day in and day out
without respite; "he plays chess day in and day out
day in day out
for an indefinite number of successive days
day in day out
every day, daily, day after day
day to day
happening on a daily basis, continually occurring
occurring or done each day; "a daily record"; "day-by-day labors of thousands of men and women"- H S Truman; "her day-after-day behavior"; "an every day occurrence"
Day-to-day things or activities exist or happen every day as part of ordinary life. I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking
day-to-day reality
day-to-day life, daily routine, way of life
every day is a school day
You learn something new every day
Mother's Day and Father's Day
Holidays. In the U.S. a nationwide observance of Mother's Day was suggested by Anna Jarvis of Grafton, W.Va., and in 1908 formal observances were held in churches in Grafton and Philadelphia. By 1911 every state celebrated the occasion on the second Sunday in May. It was formalized by Congress in 1914. In Britain, Mother's Day is celebrated in mid-Lent as Mothering Sunday. During the Middle Ages a custom developed of allowing those who had moved away to visit their home parishes and their mothers on Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent. Many other countries also celebrate the holiday on this date, while some mark the observance at other times of the year. Father's Day was first celebrated in 1910 in Spokane, Wash., through efforts of Sonora Dodd and the YMCA. Celebrated on the third Sunday in June, it became a legal holiday in 1972. Both days were originally largely religious holidays but have been commercialized with the sending of greeting cards and the giving of gifts
from day to day
from one day to the next, between one day and the next
live day to day
only be concerned for one's immediate welfare; not be anxious for the future; not make extensive plans or preparations for the future
lived from day to day
lived in the present without thinking about tomorrow
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف day%c4%b1 في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

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