the person immediately affected by or concerned with an action

listen to the pronunciation of the person immediately affected by or concerned with an action
İngilizce - İngilizce
the person immediately affected by or concerned with an action


    the per·son im·me·di·ate·ly af·fec·ted by or con·cerned with an ac·tion

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    dhi pırsın îmidiıtli ıfektıd bay ır kınsırnd wîdh ın äkşın


    /ᴛʜē ˈpərsən əˈmēdēətlē əˈfektəd ˈbī ər kənˈsərnd wəᴛʜ ən ˈaksʜən/ /ðiː ˈpɜrsən ɪˈmiːdiːətliː əˈfɛktəd ˈbaɪ ɜr kənˈsɜrnd wɪð ən ˈækʃən/