sipariş etme

listen to the pronunciation of sipariş etme
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

I'm thinking about ordering another drink. - Bir içki daha sipariş etmeyi düşünüyorum.

Arrangement in a sequence

She gave the students' performances a rank ordering.

Present participle of order
How to Order, Shipping an Payment details etc
This matching rule specifies the ordering of all possible values of the syntax The application can then determine if a stored attribute value is greater than or equal to or less than or equal to a presented value
logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements; "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation"
is the process of putting objects or events into a linear format There are two kinds of ordering, serration and sequencing Serration is organizing objects along a continuum­from rough to smooth, dim to light, sharp to dull, light to heavy, soft to loud, and so on
Disposition; distribution; management
{i} making of an official request for purchase; commanding; arranging
positioning of host and substitution ions in an ordered, repetitious pattern rather than in a random arrangement
the way in which something is arranged, or the act of arranging something
putting in order; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"
logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements; "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation
Making an agreement for later pick up or delivery
A precedence relation over members of a set, that is, a relation that indicates which members come before others Mathematically, orderings are acyclic and usually transitive Thus, if A comes before B and B comes before C, then (by transitivity) A comes before C Orderings are often used in constructing outlines, narratives, and teaching sequences For example, topics in a textbook are typically arranged in an order so that a reader will first cover the prerequisites for a topics before encountering the topic itself See also partial ordering and complete ordering
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sipariş etmek

I would like to order a sandwich. - Bir sandviç sipariş etmek istiyorum.

Tom isn't the only one who wants to order a pizza. - Tom pizza sipariş etmek isteyen tek kişi değil.

sipariş et
{f} order

John ordered the book from the publisher in the United States. - John kitabı Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki yayıncıya sipariş etti.

I ordered two hamburgers. - İki hamburger sipariş ettim.

sipariş etmek
sipariş etmek
to order to
sipariş etmek
send away for
sipariş etmek
to order

Tom isn't the only one who wants to order a pizza. - Tom pizza sipariş etmek isteyen tek kişi değil.

Have you decided what you want to order? - Sipariş etmek istediğiniz şeye karar verdiniz mi?

Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение sipariş etme в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

Sipariş etmek
sipariş etmek
Bir şeyin yapılmasını veya bir şeyin gönderilmesini istemek, ısmarlamak
sipariş etme