
listen to the pronunciation of peer-to-peer
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Bilgisayar) Peer-to-peer (p2p): 2 veya daha fazla bilgisayar arasında veri kopyası oluşturmak için kullanılan ağ program protokolü
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İngilizce - İngilizce
of a social network of equal partners able to conduct business without using a middle man
of a network of two or more computers connected as equal partners and able to share processing, control and access to data and peripherals
A computer networking arrangement where there is no central computer (or server) and all the linked computers are treated equally All the computers can share printers, CD-ROM drives, and other peripherals and access files stored on all the computers on the network
A type of direct communication between two devices on the same communications level of a network without intervention by any intermediary devices (such as a host or server)
A system in which two or more nodes or processes can initiate communications with each other Usually describes a network in which all nodes have the ability to share resources with other nodes so that a dedicated server can be implemented but is not required
- A type of networking in which each computer can be a client to other computers and act as a server as well
Form of cooperative processing in which either of the programs involved can initiate communication with the other In a peer network, every station can function as both a client and a server
P-t-P configurations are typical to ad hoc networks They involve at least two wireless nodes setting up an independent network (as long as they're in communicating distance from each other)
A control strategy in which independent intelligent devices share information directly with each other and make their own control decisions without the need or delay of using an intermediate, central or master controller Because of the enhanced system reliability introduced by eliminating the master (a single point of failure) and the reduced installation and configuration cost inherent in peer-to-peer designs, LonWorks networks often use a peer-to-peer control strategy
Peer-to-peer is a communication model in which computing devices--desktops, servers, and other smart devices--link directly to each other This can include smart client to smart client, smart client to smart server, and smart server to smart server connections Microsoft NET supports peer-to-peer as one of the manifestations of distributed computing
peer-to-peer architecture/network/technology etc a computer system etc in which all of the computers are connected to each other and they do not need a server (=a main computer that controls all the others)
A type of connection between two computers; both perform computations, store data, and make requests from each other (unlike a client-server connection where one computer makes a request and the other computer responds with information)
Computer-based communications in which both computers have equal responsibility for initiating, maintaining and terminating the session Napster and other file-sharing programs have popularized peer-to-peer communications
Communication between two network devices that have the same status on the network
In a peer-to-peer architecture, two or more nodes can directly initiate communication with each other; they do not need an intermediary A device can be both the client and the server
Peer-to-peer is a communication model in which computing devicesdesktops, servers, and other smart deviceslink directly to each other This can include smart client to smart client, smart client to smart server, and smart server to smart server connections Microsoft NET supports peer-to-peer as one of the manifestations of distributed computing
Refers to a network topology where devices communicate directly with each other rather than according to a client server architecture Resource sharing under Windows95 is an example of peer to peer networking
A balanced relationship between two products, neither one is more capable or can control the other
A type of communication in which any two devices can communicate on an equivalent basis A peer-to-peer architecture is a LAN option that allows nodes to communicate on an equal basis and share resources (as opposed to a server-based LAN)
Networking where stations are equivalent; any station can make any of its resources available to any/all other stations Examples of Peer-to-Peer networks are Acorn Access+ and Windows for Workgroups(r) If the software controlling the Peer-to-Peer networking is readily available and users enjoy 'experimenting' then managing a Peer-to-Peer network can be very difficult! Compare Server-Client
A model or paradigm on which some network communications and applications are based In a peer-to-peer environment, each networked host runs both the client and server parts of an application
A network setup that allows every computer to both offer and access network resources, such as shared files, without requiring a centralized file server Macintosh computers utilize this type of network setup
Term used for point-to-point communications between two client systems without use of a central server
Peer-to-peer is a communication model in which each party has the same capabilities and either party can initiate a communication session
A type of network setup in which there is no server Each workstation shares resources with other workstation The machine with the shared drive should be beefed up like a server Peer-To-Peer installations should not exceed 5 users A Peer-To-Peer network can be created with Windows NT Workstation, Windows 98, or Windows 95
A type of network which allows small groups of computers to share resources without a central server
A networking strategy where the different computers in a network are considered to be equal Instead of a central server providing services for clients on the network, each computer on the network can make its resources available to others, and use resources which others have made available A contrasting strategy is client-server
- like superdistribution without the initial B
(Bilgisayar) Denoting a network in which each computer can act as a server for the others
(aka: "p2p") - a commonly used protocol for downloading software, MP3 music or other files with other ordinary users on the Internet P2P is often used to obtain freeware, shareware, and bootleg software P2P exchange is often made practical through web sites that act as clearinghouses listing people who have or want something One of the most famous of these was Napster Some P2P exchanges require a "client" program, often at a niminal fee, to do downloads
a connection between computers that creates equal status between the computers
friend to friend, colleague to colleague
A multiplayer network game where all computers store a copy of the game world An example is Warcraft These computers in a peer to peer game can prevent cheating if they detect that one computers game world is very different from the other computers' game worlds
A network architecture inwhich every computer has broadly equalabilities and tasks Most smaller networksare peer-to-peer, a system that works wellbecause ordinary computers are now muchmore powerful than they used to be, andalso because current operating systemsmake basic network administration quitesimple See also Client/server
A network computing system in which all computers are treated as equals on the network Individual computers may share hard drives, CD-ROM drives, and other storage devices with the other computers on the network This is different than a client/server set-up in which most of the computers (clients) tend to share resources from one main computer (the server)