
listen to the pronunciation of mistisizm
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In addition to mathematics, physics and astronomy, Newton also had an interest in alchemy, mysticism and theology. - Matematik, fizik ve astronomiye ilaveten Newton'un aynı zamanda simya, mistisizm ve teolojiye bir ilgisi vardı.

A doctrine of direct communication or spiritual intuition of divine truth
A transcendental union of soul or mind with the divine reality or divinity
The beliefs, ideas, or thoughts of mystics
A word originally derived from the Greek and having a wide range of meaning in modern religion and philosophy A mystic may be said to be someone who has intuitions or intimations of the existence of inner and superior worlds, and who attempts to achieveconscious communion with them and the beings inhabiting these inner and invisible worlds
generally refers to a personal and non-rational path to God, whereby the soul seeks to join itself to God and become one with Him Mysticism is much like Zen in terms of being incommunicable and yet written about at great length
Obscurity of doctrine
complex system of mental exercises to strenghthen various mental abilities by eventually distinguishing the I thought from the me thought
A creed that the only path to knowledge is through a direct spiritual connection with God Deep meditation and peace is necessary for this to occur
the philosophy of religion contending that reality can be known only when we surrender our individuality and experience a union with the divine ground of all existence
is the creation of problems where none exist Mysticism is both an individual and a collective disease that puts people in coffins and societies on crutches Mysticism leaves empty heads and instills sour faces on people Mysticism is an act of war on rational thinking, honest effort, prosperous happiness, and life itself
1 belief in or experience of a reality surpassing normal human understanding or experience, especially a reality perceived as essential to the nature of life 2 a system of contemplative prayer and spirituality aimed at achieving direct intuitive experience of the divine
a religion based on mystical communion with an ultimate reality
{i} mystical spiritualism
The doctrine that the ultimate elements or principles of knowledge or belief are gained by an act or process akin to feeling or faith
Sometimes called the interior life, mysticism is a way that reaches for immediate (meaning no mediator or other mediating influence) awareness of God, and beyond that, for identity in God (in the words of Catherine of Siena, "My me is God") Mysticism implies an intense spiritual commitment but recognizes that progress along the path is attained by Grace alone A mystic's relationship with God is intimate, constant, and boundary-less, until finally only God remains Mysticism is at home in all traditions It is not a religion, a theology, or a philosophy in itself, but a way to traverse any of those The classic text on the subject is Evelyn Underhill's "Mysticism" which is out of print, but often available at outlets like Half com and Alibris See also seeker
Genus: Metaphysical system Differentia: Claims that there are realities other than that which we perceive Comment: All mysticism is arbitrary Link: Article
That element of religion involving the explicit experience of the immediate presence of God Also refers to ‘ordinary mysticism’ as the experience of God’s presence through everyday people, things and events (cf Rahner and Celtic spirituality) See also Contemplation and Centering prayer
The search through various prayers and practices to achieve unity with God in life (theosis) (see hesychasm)
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Gözlem ve muhakemeden çok duygu ve sezgiye dayanan öğreti
Allah'a ve gerçeğe sezgi, gönül ve duygu yoluyla ulaşılabileceğine inanan din ve felsefe doktrini, gizemcilik
Bir konuda en üst derecede bulunabilme tutkusu
Bir konuda en üst derecede bulunabilme tutkusu: "Bizi sıhhatimize iman ettiren, kuvvetlerimizin arttığını duyuran spor mistisizmi daha teessüs etmemişti."- A. Ş. Hisar
Tanrı'ya ve gerçeğe akıl ve araştırma yolu ile değil de gönül yolu ile, duygu ve sezgi ile ulaşabileceğini kabul eden felsefe ve din doktrini, gizemcilik
(Hukuk) Gizemcilik. Tanrıyı sezgi yoluyla kavrama