
listen to the pronunciation of goblin.
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} cin (göze görünmeyen efsanevi yaratık)
{i} cin

Ben hayaletlere ve cinlere inanmıyorum. - I don't believe in ghosts and goblins.

{i} cüce cin
İngilizce - İngilizce
Gosepl Oak to Barking Line, a railway line in north London
A nature spirit in Heathenry
{n} an evil spirit, apparition, elf, hobgoblin
An evil or mischievous spirit; a playful or malicious elf; a frightful phantom; a gnome
{i} ugly mischievous sprite, gremlin
collective term for evil, wicked and malevolent spirits - misshapen beings who dwell in cold, dark, wet places and possess great strength and cunning - French Goblins are benign in nature and more like Hobgoblins
A humanoid race typically with greenish or yellowish brown skin tones, rather spindly, and about four feet in height Tribal in behavior, goblins general survive by raiding the settlements of everyone around them, including each other [See also: Feral Races]
This is a general name for an ugly, evil-tempered spirit that likes to cause trouble for humans They wear tattered clothes The gnome's cousin, the hobgoblin, usually live in human homes, and are kind to people, rather than mean
How you eat the snickers bars you got for Halloween
(folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that makes trouble for human beings
In fairy stories, a goblin is a small, ugly creature which usually enjoys causing trouble. a small ugly creature in children's stories that likes to trick people (gobelin, from gobelinus, perhaps from kobalos )
A mythical, humanoid creature, often found in contemporary fantasy