wharves (hwôrvz)

listen to the pronunciation of wharves (hwôrvz)
Turkish - English
{ç} wharf
{v} to make a wharf
A place for berthing vessels to facilitate loading and discharging of cargo
A landing place where vessels may tie up for loading and unloading of cargo
A dock or pier
provide with a wharf; "Wharf the mouth of the river
moor at a wharf; "The ship was wharfed"
A man-made landing place jutting out to sea or by a river; mole, pier, or quay
The bank of a river, or the shore of the sea
moor at a wharf; "The ship was wharfed" discharge at a wharf; "wharf the passengers" store on a wharf; "Wharf the merchandise" provide with a wharf; "Wharf the mouth of the river
A manmade structure bonding the edge of a dock and built along or at an angle to the shoreline, used for loading, unloading, or tying up vessels
a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats
includes a pier, jetty, ramp, or shed, storage or stacking area at, adjacent to, or in the vicinity of a wharf
store on a wharf; "Wharf the merchandise"
a quay; a pier
{i} dock, place where boats can be be tied up and load or unload cargo; bank, beach (Archaic)
A wharf is a platform by a river or the sea where ships can be tied up. = jetty, quay. wharves a structure that is built out into the water so that boats can stop next to it
To place upon a wharf; to bring to a wharf
provide with a wharf; "Wharf the mouth of the river"
A structure bordering the water and parallel to the shore to which boats are secured; Compare to dock and pier
A marine terminal whose face lies parallel to the shoreline
wharves (hwôrvz)