
listen to the pronunciation of smart-money
English - Turkish
manevi tazminat
(Finans) Mânevî tazminat
English - English
Money paid as a compensation to a person injured

The reader may remember that Mr Allworthy gave Tom Jones a little horse, as a kind of smart-money for the punishment which he imagined he had suffered innocently.

experienced, well-informed investors, gamblers etc considered as a group
the money invested or bet by such people; by extension, the opinions of such people

The smart money is on a half percent cut in the basic bank lending rates before the end of the week.

(Finans) Financial compensation for personal injury
money bet or invested by experienced gamblers or investors (especially if they have inside information)
people who are highly experienced or who have inside information; "the smart money said Truman would lose the election"
financial shrewdness