be quiet so as not to wake the others

listen to the pronunciation of be quiet so as not to wake the others
English - German
Seid leise, damit ihr die anderen nicht aufweckt
be quiet so as not to wake the others


    be qui·et so as not to wake the others

    Turkish pronunciation

    bi kwayıt sō äz nät tı weyk dhi ʌdhırz


    /bē ˈkwīət ˈsō ˈaz ˈnät tə ˈwāk ᴛʜē ˈəᴛʜərz/ /biː ˈkwaɪət ˈsoʊ ˈæz ˈnɑːt tə ˈweɪk ðiː ˈʌðɜrz/