
listen to the pronunciation of ari
Turkish - English
Aryan, of the Aryans
(an) Aryan
free from

Tom has been in the hospital since Christmas Eve. - Tom Noel arifesinden beri hastanede.

English - English
{i} male first name (Hebrew)
Air conditioning and Refrigeration Institute is a voluntary, nonprofit organization comprised of HVAC manufacturers whom publish the standards of testing and rating heat pumps and air conditioners They ensure a level of quality within the industry
Average Recurrence Interval, of a rainfall event
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute
Aileron-Rudder Interconnect
Advanced Research Institute
Awl-like hooked needle, often used for chain stitch embroidery
Aquifer risk index
Automatic Room Identification (Hotel/Motel room number)
Army Research Institute
infection to the lungs that causes fever with a cough, leading to pneumonia
Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute An independent body that sets standards for the air conditioning industry and rates the capacity and efficiency of manufacturers equipment
Autofahrer Rundfunk Information (Road status radio message broadcasting system) [Germany]
a fighter, one's own champion; a hostile fighter, an enemy
The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
An alarm interface back card for the IGX switches
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute **Section 701; Website ARI**
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute is a nonprofit, voluntary organization comprised of heating,air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturers ARI publishes standards for testing and rating heat pumps and air conditioners to provide you with a standardized measure of comparison So, ARI ensures a level of performance within the industry
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute is a non-profit, voluntary organization comprised of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturers ARI publishes standards for testing and rating heat pumps and air conditioners to provide you with a standardized measure of comparison So, ARI ensures a level of quality within the industry
a throw in which the opponent is thrown with control and accuracy, but not to the extent of an ippon, or held on the back for between 20 and 25 seconds on the mat
{i} (Sports) half win; two waza-ari equal an ippon (in judo and karate)
Turkish - Turkish
İran'dan geçerek Kuzey Hindistan'a yerleşen halk veya bu halktan olan kimse
Hint iran dil grubuna verilen ad
Saf ırk
Özgür, hür
Bu halkla ilgili, bu halka özgü
Nazilerin politikasında Germen ırkından kimselere yakıştırılan ad
Çıplak. Özgür, hür: "Bu görüş her türlü edebî şişirmelerden ari bir görüştür."- Y. K. Beyatlı. İran'dan geçerek Kuzey Hindistan'a yerleşen halk veya bu halktan olan kimse
Yoksul, sefil
(Hukuk) Boş, çıplak, soyut, ...sız, arınmış, yüksüz
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Evet
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hind-Avrupa dil ailesinden olan ırk veya kimse
Ari dil
Hint-Avrupa dil ailesinin Hint-İran grubuna verilen ad
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Eş'arî mezhebi veya o mezhepte olan. Asıl adı Eb-ul Hasan-ül-Eş'arî olan İmam-ı Eş'arî, Ehl-i Sünnet itikadını âyetlere, hadislere göre izah ve şerh ederek tesbit etmiştir. Ehl-i Sünnet Mezhebi itikadına tercümanlık ederek İslâmiyet'e büyük hizmet etmiştir. (Hi. 260-324) İtikada dâir meydana koyduğu hakikatları kabul edenlere Eş'arî ve Mezhebine de Eş'ariye denir
iş'ari oy
Parmak veya el kaldırarak verilen oy