air bladder

listen to the pronunciation of air bladder
English - Turkish
tenek kesesi
hava kesesi
hava torba
hava kesesi
yüzme kesesi
English - English
An internal organ that fish use to control their buoyancy, allowing them to maintain or change depth by changing their density
an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy
It originates in the same way as the lungs of air-breathing vertebrates, and in the adult may retain a tubular connection with the pharynx or esophagus
internal sac filled with air present in fish and serves as an accessory respiratory organ to control buoyancy (to stay at the current water depth and go up or down) without having to waste energy in swimming
A sac or bladder full of air in an animal or plant; also an air hole in a casting
An air sac, sometimes double or variously lobed, in the visceral cavity of many fishes
air bladders
plural form of air bladder
{n} a bladder filled with air, a bubble