وعد بدفع الدين أو المستحقات

listen to the pronunciation of وعد بدفع الدين أو المستحقات
Arabic - English
An investor owned utility
Ever think that it meant "I owe You" Almost It really stands for "I owe unto" The "U" is NOT a cute way of saying "you"
-See Invester Owned Utility
An investor owned utility A company, owned by stockholders for profit, that provides utility services A designation used to differentiate a utility owned and operated for the benefit of shareholders from municipally owned and operated utilities and rural electric cooperatives
an informal debt instrument; representing `I owe you'
A company, owned by stockholders for profit, that provides utility services A designation used to differentiate a utility owned and operated for the benefit of shareholders from municipally owned and operated utilities and rural electric cooperatives
Investor Owned Utility
Input/output unit