to wit

listen to the pronunciation of to wit
Englisch - Türkisch
demek ki
yani, demek ki. to/for all intents and haddi zatında, aslında
ince zekâ

Ben senin ince zekana sahip değilim. - I don't have your wit.

ince espri

O kitabı yazan kişi hem mizah hem de ince espriye sahiptir, değil mi? - The person who wrote that book is possessed of both humour and wit, isn't he?

İnce espri konuşmaya lezzet verir. - Wit gives zest to conversation.


Tom sık sık nükte yapar. - Tom frequently makes witty remarks.

Tom her zaman nükte yapıyor. - Tom is always making witty remarks.

zeka kıvraklığı

Çılgınlık yapmadan yaşayan insan düşündüğü kadar akıllı değildir. - Who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks.

O, onunla tartışmayacak kadar akıllıdır. - She knows better than to argue with him.

farkında olmak
espritüel kimse
{f} öğrenmek

Bizimle kimin kaldığını öğrenmek istiyorum. - I want to know who's staying with us.

Doktor Tom'a acıyla birlikte yaşamayı öğrenmek zorunda kalacağını söyledi. - The doctor told Tom he'd just have to learn to live with the pain.

{f} farkında ol

Farkında olmadan tam yanımdan geçti. - She passed right by me without noticing.

Tom'un ebeveynleri olmadan müzeye girmesine izin verilmeyeceğinin farkında olmamasının pek mümkün olmadığını düşünüyorum. - I think it's highly unlikely that Tom was not aware that he wouldn't be allowed to enter the museum without his parents.

{i} zeki kimse
demek ki
nüktedan kimse
{f} bilmek

Bu gece kiminle çıkacağını bilmek istiyorum. - I want to know who you're going out with tonight.

Tom gelecek hafta bizimle Boston'a gitmeyi planlayıp planlamadığını bilmek istiyor. - Tom wants to know if you're planning on going to Boston with us next weekend.

{f} yâni

Yani sonuçta, Web'i dil öğrenmede daha iyi bir yer yapmak için biz Tatoeba ile sadece temelleri inşa ediyoruz. - So ultimately, with Tatoeba we are only building the foundations… to make the Web a better place for language learning.

Bu sabah depomu benzinle doldurduğumda, litresi 135 yene mal oldu yani galonu 6.55 dolar. - When I filled my tank with gasoline this morning, it cost ¥135 per liter which is $6.55 per gallon.


Ortalama zekada birisi bunu anlayabilir. - A person with average intelligence would understand that.

Ben senin ince zekana sahip değilim. - I don't have your wit.


İyi bir espri anlayışı zor dönemlerle başa çıkmana yardımcı olacaktır. - A good sense of humor will help you deal with hard times.

Bazı normlarla ilgili temel bir anlayış olmadan, iletişim mümkün değildir. - Without a basic understanding of certain norms, communication is impossible.

zekâ kıvraklığı
nükteci kimse
farkında ol(mak)
Englisch - Englisch
That is to say; namely; specifically

Though the animation code above demonstrates how a thread could be included as part of an object while still making that object be serializable, there is a major problem with it if we recall how Java creates objects. To wit, when we create an object with the new keyword, the object’s constructor is called only when a new instance of a class is created.

that's to say, namely, meaning
Intelligence; common sense

The opportunity was right in front of you, and you didn't even have the wit to take it!.

Intellectual ability; faculty of thinking, reasoning

Where she has gone to is beyond the wit of man to say.


He's gone completely out of his wits.

The ability to think quickly; mental cleverness, especially under short time constraints

My father had a quick wit and a steady hand.

Know, be aware of

She looked through these to God and was God’s priest.

Spoken humour, especially when clever or quick

The best man's speech was hilarious, full of wit and charm.

The senses
a witty amusing person who makes jokes
{v} to know, understand, blame
{n} a man of genius, quickness of fancy understanding, sense, judgement
Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. Boulding was known for his biting wit
To know; to learn
If you say that someone has the wit to do something, you mean that they have the intelligence and understanding to make the right decision or take the right action in a particular situation. The information is there and waiting to be accessed by anyone with the wit to use it. = sense
If you pit your wits against someone, you compete against them in a test of knowledge or intelligence. He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning
a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
{f} know (Archaic)
Mind; intellect; understanding; sense
A person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes; someone witty
the power of readily combining objects in such a manner
You can refer to your ability to think quickly and cleverly in a difficult situation as your wits. She has used her wits to progress to the position she holds today
A mental faculty, or power of the mind; used in this sense chiefly in the plural, and in certain phrases; as, to lose one's wits; at one's wits' end, and the like
A person of eminent sense or knowledge; a man of genius, fancy, or humor; one distinguished for bright or amusing sayings, for repartee, and the like
If you describe someone as a wit, you mean that they have the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. Holmes was gregarious, a great wit, a man of wide interests
Felicitous association of objects not usually connected, so as to produce a pleasant surprise; also
emphasis If you say that you are at your wits' end, you are emphasizing that you are so worried and exhausted by problems or difficulties that you do not know what to do next. We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I'm at my wit's end
If you have your wits about you or keep your wits about you, you are alert and ready to act in a difficult situation. Travellers need to keep their wits about them
The ability to think quickly; mental cleverness, especially wittiness
mental ability; "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense"
emphasis You can use wits in expressions such as frighten someone out of their wits and scare the wits out of someone to emphasize that a person or thing worries or frightens someone very much. You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident
To wit is used to indicate that you are about to state or describe something more precisely. He'd like `happiness' to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit `Major affective disorder, pleasant type'. = namely
{i} intellect; reason; cleverness; sharpness; one who is sharp
to wit