
listen to the pronunciation of superstitious
Englisch - Türkisch

Asla batıl inançlı bir insan olmadım. - I've never been a superstitious person.

Batıl inançları olan bir kişi misiniz? - Are you a superstitious person?

boş şeylere inanan
batıl inançlı

Asla batıl inançlı bir insan olmadım. - I've never been a superstitious person.

Siz batıl inançlı mısınız? - Are you superstitious?

superstitiouslybatıl inançlara saplanarak
{s} batıl inançları olan

Ben batıl inançları olan biri değilim. - I'm not superstitious.

Batıl inançları olan bir kişi misiniz? - Are you a superstitious person?

superstitiousnessbatıl inançlılık
batıl itikat kabilinden
{s} boş inançtan kaynaklanan
{s} boş inançlara inanan; boş inançların etkisinde olan
{s} batıl inançla ilgili
batıl inancı olan
superstitious belief
batıl inanç
superstitious behavior
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) batıl davranış
superstitious behaviour
batıl davranış
superstitious control
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) batıl kontrol
batıl inançlı şekilde
Englisch - Englisch
Arising from or having the character of superstitions
Susceptible to superstitions
{a} addicted to superstition, bigoted, scrupulous, fanciful
{s} of or pertaining to superstition; believing in superstition, acting according to a belief in luck or magical forces
Overexact; scrupulous beyond need
Superstitious fears or beliefs are irrational and not based on fact. A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople. influenced by superstitions
Evincing superstition; overscrupulous and rigid in religious observances; addicted to superstition; full of idle fancies and scruples in regard to religion
Of or pertaining to superstition; proceeding from, or manifesting, superstition; as, superstitious rites; superstitious observances
showing ignorance or the laws of nature and faith in magic or chance; "finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin"
People who are superstitious believe in things that are not real or possible, for example magic. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck
showing ignorance or the laws of nature and faith in magic or chance; "finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin
{a} in a superstitious manner
in a superstitious manner; "superstitiously he refused to travel on Friday the 13th
in a superstitious manner; "superstitiously he refused to travel on Friday the 13th"
In a superstitious way



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˌso͞opərˈstəsʜəs/ /ˌsuːpɜrˈstɪʃəs/


    () superstition + -ous